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Xi extends greetings to elderly to mark Older Persons' Day

Xi extends greetings to elderly to mark Older Persons' Day
Xi extends greetings to elderly to mark Older Persons' Day


Volunteers cut the hair of elderly people at a nursing home in Jiaozuo, Henan province, Monday. CHENG QUAN/FOR CHINA DAILY

President Xi Jinping extended greetings to the elderly ahead of National Senior Citizens' Day, which falls on Friday, and he called on the silver-haired group nationwide to continue their efforts to live fulfilling lives .

He also called for efforts to address the urgent concerns of older people, improve relevant policies and measures, ensure their rights and well-being are protected, and enable them to contribute effectively to society.

Xi, who is also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, made the remarks in a response letter dated Wednesday to representatives of elderly people participating in a national volunteering initiative.

The Silver Age Action initiative was launched in 2003 with the aim of leveraging the expertise of seasoned professionals in various fields to help improve underdeveloped areas.

More than 7 million older volunteers have participated in this initiative, undertaking more than 4,000 assistance projects. It has become one of the key platforms to promote the active participation of older people in social activities.

In his letter, Xi praised the participants of the initiative who have taken part in volunteer activities in recent years and applied their knowledge and skills to serve the public. This embodies the beautiful spirit of Chinese elderly people in the new era, he said.

Noting that seniors are a valuable asset to both the Party and the country, Xi expressed hope that more seniors would maintain an entrepreneurial spirit to contribute to the advancement of China's modernization.

He urged Party committees and governments at all levels to prioritize work related to the elderly to address their concerns.

The President also highlighted the need to improve policies and measures aimed at fostering a favorable social environment for older people.

Older People's Day, also known as the Chongyang Festival or Double Ninth Festival in China, falls on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month. It is an opportunity to care for the elderly and send blessings across the country.

China's population aged 60 and over approached 300 million at the end of 2023, accounting for 21.1% of the total population, according to statistics from the Ministry of Civil Affairs. Among them, the number of people aged 65 and above amounted to more than 217 million, accounting for 15.4% of the total population.

Ensuring that older people can live happy and fulfilling lives is something Xi always keeps in mind. He has repeatedly expressed his personal concern, including during his inspection tours across the country, for the well-being of the country's elderly, especially those who live alone.

Under Xi's leadership, China has pursued a proactive national strategy in response to the aging population and is working to develop elderly care programs and services. The goal of ensuring that all older people can receive adequate care, have access to elderly care and enjoy a fulfilling life is becoming a reality.

By the end of 2023, more than 43 million elderly people nationwide had benefited from various elderly assistance, highlighting the high level of attention the country pays to the well-being of the elderly, according to a report released by the Ministry of Civil Affairs in September. .




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