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Trump's unbalanced speeches in Pennsylvania: windmills and whoopi

Trump's unbalanced speeches in Pennsylvania: windmills and whoopi
Trump's unbalanced speeches in Pennsylvania: windmills and whoopi


With less than a month until Election Day, the race between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris is coming down to the wire. Both candidates embarked on a grueling schedule of rallies, interviews, events and fundraisers in their last-minute bid to win over voters. The former president appears to be growing even more erratic as polls show the race is neck and neck.

On Wednesday, Trump held back-to-back rallies in Pennsylvania, a swing state. Looking at both events, one might think that the former president is not in a tight race for the most powerful political office in the world, but that he is an angry uncle who hijacked a family dinner to making a captive audience to air decades of personal grievances.

The former president rambled on the wind, his memory and his genetic background. He attacked his opponent as a “stupid woman” and criticized Howard Stern and Whoopi Goldberg for interviewing her.

The Harris campaign noted that Trump spent more than an hour raving about a laundry list of complaints before addressing Hurricane Milton, which made landfall in Florida Wednesday evening and likely caused widespread damage in the region.

Even by Trump standards, Wednesday's rallies were a remarkable parade of nonsense and vitriol. Here are some of the weak points:

He played footage from Full Metal Jacket

The former president spent much of Wednesday's rally juxtaposing clips of R. Lee Ermey's Full Metal Jacket character Gunnery Sergeant Hartman verbally and physically abusing Vietnam War recruits during camp training, with modern LGBTQ members of the military. “Let’s make our army great again,” the video says.

Full Metal Jacket is, at its core, an anti-war film about the psychological horror that must be inflicted on an individual to turn them into a willing killer – although no one would expect Trump to get the message.

He denounced the “disgusting” Whoopi Goldberg

“Politics can do strange things to people with dementia,” Trump said. “Now I hired Whoopi to work for me as a comedian – before all this, a long time ago. Her mouth was so filthy… It was so dirty, so filthy, so disgusting. Oh, what a loser she is. Editors' Choice

Harris recently sat down for an interview with Goldberg and the other hosts of The View.

He bragged about dropping Howard Stern 'like a dog'

Trump is very angry that Stern interviewed Harris on Tuesday: “Howard Stern, he's a weak guy, he's weak… Howard, I know him very well – I've been on his show several times – I thought he was good but then I gave up. him. I dropped him like a dog.

He boasted about his memory and how he “can do things that people can't do.”

“I have an excellent memory,” Trump said to justify his countless digressions. “I can talk about hundreds of things at once and still come back to the point you were trying to make. I can do things that people can't do. But you know what, this is the most important time in our country's history.

He lied that a child goes to school with one gender and returns with another.

“Your child goes to school and they take him. It was a ‘he’ and it’s back a ‘she,’” Trump falsely claimed. “And they do that. And often without parental consent. Can you even believe we are saying this?

Trump has long claimed that Democrats want to change the sex of children without parental consent. This is obviously completely false. Related

He said he wishes he had some Indian blood in him

“So I came up with the name 'Pocahontas' [for Elizabeth Warren] and it made her crazy,” Trump said, referring to the Massachusetts senators. “So she came out and had her blood drawn. Do you remember what the number was? 1024th… This basically means I have more Indian blood in me than she does, and I unfortunately don't. I wish I had some.

He took advantage of the devastation caused by Hurricane Helen to complain about the renaming of a fort in honor of a Confederate general.

Trump's main pitch to residents of North Carolina, a swing state, appears to be that he will reinstate the name “Fort Bragg” for Fort Liberty. The name of the military installation was recently changed as it is named for Confederate General Braxton Bragg. He raised the issue when discussing Hurricane Helene.

“[Harris] “I sent nothing and no one at all, days passed, no help as men, women and children drowned,” Trump said. “North Carolina has 8 military bases, great bases. Fort Bragg, remember Fort Bragg? They changed the name… It has nothing to do with Pennsylvania, but the people of North Carolina would like leave it as Fort Bragg.

He called Harris a 'stupid woman' and a 'horrible person'

“She’s a dummy,” Trump said. “I've observed her over the years, she's a stupid woman, sorry. I'm sorry ladies, she's a model.

“Pennsylvanians need to tell Kamala Harris that we have had enough,” he said at the first rally earlier in the day. “We think you are a horrible person. We think you're a liar and we hate it — don't we? We think you are a liar. We think you are not an intelligent person and we are tired of stupid people running our country.

Trump also continued to obsess over the fact that Harris worked at McDonald's, once again claiming without evidence that she is lying about it.

He wandered about windmills… again

On Wednesday evening, Trump indulged his long-running vendetta against windmills.

“The wind, the wind, it looks so wonderful, the wind, the wind, the wind, it’s wind, it’s bullshit,” he said. “I'll tell you. It's horrible, so expensive, just too expensive. It's not working… Remember when I said, “Honey, I want to watch our president tonight on TV,” and the husband watches [at her] I'm sorry. It's the windmills, it's not wind, there's no wind, tonight you can't watch honey, we're not going to watch tonight.

He Lied About FEMA…Again

Trump has repeatedly encouraged conspiracy theories about the federal response to the hurricane because he believes it would improve his electoral prospects. Tendency

FEMA “has spent all its funds. They don’t have money to take care of – they don’t have money, they don’t have workers, they don’t have anything,” he said Wednesday. “FEMA, we had such a good FEMA. FEMA has been great under Trump, I can tell you, we've had tremendous success.

“[Harris] just conducted the worst rescue operation in history in North Carolina,” he said. “They had no money. You know, where did they give the money? To the illegal immigrants arriving, many of whom are killers. Many of them are drug dealers and many are gang members.




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