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Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources – Media Center – News Archive


Indonesian President Joko Widodo attends 79th Mining and Energy Anniversary Peak Party

Friday October 11, 2024 – Read 73 times




NUMBER: 569.Pers/04/SJI/2024

Date: October 11, 2024

Indonesian President Joko Widodo attends 79th Mining and Energy Anniversary Peak Party

Appreciating the anniversary of mining and energy, President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo was present on the eve of the 79th anniversary of mining and energy organized by the extended family of the Ministry of Energy and Energy Mineral Resources (ESDM). The President views the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources as a strategic ministry that makes a major contribution to Indonesia.

“I wish you a happy birthday, happy 79th birthday, from mines and energy, especially to the big family of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and the Energy and Mineral Resources sector. The Energy and Mineral Resources sector is a very strategic sector and has enormous potential, a sector that offers an important multiplayer effect for the national economy,” declared the President, beginning his speech during the evening of Subroto 2024 awards ceremony in Jakarta, Thursday (10/10).

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, continued the President, contributed a very significant amount of State Non-Tax Revenue (PNBP) for Indonesia, reaching at least IDR 1.8 trillion over the last Last 10 years. “We know that from 2014 to today, the PNBP received by the State from ESDM is 10 years, very significant, about IDR 1.8 trillion. If you look at the last two years, in 2022, it was IDR 348 trillion, then in 2023 it was IDR 229 trillion “The number of years is also very important,” the president continued.

Complementing the President's remarks, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Bahlil Lahadalia said: “The Subroto Prize evening was the highlight of the 79th anniversary of the Awards and Energy. I am happy to represent the friends of the whole big family of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, because we celebrated it before there was a ceremony, then “Now we celebrate together with an award in the presence of the President,” Bahlil said.

According to Bahlil, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources is a ministry mandated by Section 33 of the 1945 Act. To achieve this, therefore, it must focus on doing its optimum work to make its best contribution to the welfare of the nation's population.

2024 Subroto Award Recipient

As in previous years, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) again awarded the Subroto Award to companies and local governments that were judged to have made significant contributions to development, research and innovation in the field of energy and mineral resources. The highest honor awarded by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources aims to encourage progress in this sector, as well as to appreciate the efforts and dedication that have been made to support sustainability and responsible resource management.

The Soebroto Awards 2024 were even more special this time, in addition to the direct participation of the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, the Coordinating Minister of Maritime Affairs and Investment, Luhut Binsar Panjaitan, as well as several alumni ministers and deputy ministers of energy and mineral resources. such as Jero Wacik, Ignasius Jonan Arhandra Tahar, Chaerul Tanjung and Susilo Siswoutomo were present.

Subroto Prize. The culmination of the 79th anniversary of mining and energy, this event is the seventh since it was first held in 2017.

This year's Augerah Subroto Prize 2024 was awarded to 68 winners divided into 6 groups, namely:

  1. Safety, Engineering and Environmental Protection prize group (18 winners)
  2. Community Contribution Group (15 winners)
  3. Education and HR Development Group (10 winners)
  4. Collaborative Local Government Group (4 winners)
  5. State Revenue Bond Compliance Group (7 Winners)
  6. Emissions Reduction Contribution Group (16 winners)

Apart from the Subroto 2024 Award, thanks were also given to the employees of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources who performed their duties with full dedication, namely the Inspector of Mines, Oil and Gas, the electricity inspector, volcano observer and land surveyor.

The appreciation was given directly symbolically by President Joko Widodo to each servant by wearing 5 project helmets. The five employees of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources are:

  1. Mining Inspector is assigned to Sari Taqwiem Ashra (responsible for licensing over 2,300 mining service companies and PIC BinWas IT throughout Indonesia)
  2. Oil and Gas Inspector was awarded to Kusnandar (Initiator of Gas Flaring Optimization Award and CCS/CCUS Technical Guidelines and GHG Inventory of Oil and Gas Sub-Sector)
  3. Electrical Inspector was awarded to Elif Doka Marliska (2 times awarded Dharma Karya ESDM Award and Top 99 KIPP Menpan RB 2023)
  4. The observation of the volcano was entrusted to Farid Ruskanda Bina (volcano observer with the longest period of service, i.e. 32 years)
  5. Earth Research was awarded to Agus Budianto (disaster management of volcanic eruptions, landslides, earthquakes and tsunamis in Indonesia).

By awarding the 2024 Soebroto Prize and the Punggawa ESDM, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources hopes to motivate more parties to get involved in the development and management of better and more sustainable energy and mineral resources. Full details of the winners are here . (SF)

Head of the Office of Communication, Public Information and Cooperation

Agus Cahyono Adi

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