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Will Amnesia help Boris Johnson sell his new book? – Mother Jones

Will Amnesia help Boris Johnson sell his new book? – Mother Jones
Will Amnesia help Boris Johnson sell his new book? – Mother Jones


Thomas Krych/AP

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A spiral of lies and deliberate efforts to deceive parliament may have canceled Boris Johnson's premiership. But don't expect the former Conservative prime minister of the United Kingdom, who is promoting an upcoming memoir, to have abandoned her long lasting falsity.

In an interview Wednesday, Johnson said he does not believe Donald Trump ever intended to “subvert the Constitution” by sowing deep distrust in the 2020 election results and inciting his supporters to do so. January 6.

Personally, I don't think he intended to overturn the Constitution and what really happened was the peaceful transfer of democratic power from one administration to another, Johnson told Times Radio .

He also said Trump's refusal to accept the election results should not prevent another chance at the White House.

These remarks stand in stark contrast to the unequivocal condemnation Johnson expressed as prime minister immediately after January 6, an event Johnson described as “shameful.”

“I believe what President Trump has said on this matter is completely false and I wholeheartedly condemn encouraging people to behave in the disgraceful manner that they did at the Capitol. » he said at the timejoining the almost universal shock and condemnation of Trump by international leaders.

Of course, sudden bouts of amnesia regarding former President Trump are nothing new for conservative politicians. Likewise, almost everyone in the Republican Party abandoned the criticisms they had leveled at Trump on or after Jan. 6, even though his influence over the party remained strong. Likewise, Johnson's latest defense could be a sign that British elite opinion is betting on Trump's return to power.

Or maybe it's much simpler than that. The famously cash-poor Johnson, who, in addition to having a sumptuous Oxfordshire mansion to renovate, I can't count how many children he needs to feed himself and wants you to buy his book. And he will do whatever it takes to get attention. “These are the breaks,” I guess.




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