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Christopher Luxon says India's Narendra Modi is interested in trade deal

Christopher Luxon says India's Narendra Modi is interested in trade deal
Christopher Luxon says India's Narendra Modi is interested in trade deal


When questioned, Luxon confirmed that the two men had specifically spoken about an FTA.

Well, take it back like [we] enter the visit [to India] in the New Year. But we spent a lot of our discussions looking at what are the areas of trade where we could move forward where there is a common interest and where it would be mutually beneficial for both countries.

He said Modi was interested in an FTA and hoped such a deal would be concluded during this period.

This is what we will be working towards and we will have more to say about it in the coming months and over the course of next year.

Luxon was reluctant to discuss any suggestion that his meeting with Modi could reignite FTA negotiations, saying he was focused on building a strong relationship with the Indian leader.

We will have deeper trade relations with India. There's no doubt about it…that's what we want to do, is strengthen our relationships and deeper trade relationships with India.

Prime Minister Christopher Luxon and India's Narendra Modi meet for the first time on the sidelines of the East Asia Summit in Laos. Photo / Jamie Ensor.
Prime Minister Christopher Luxon and India's Narendra Modi meet for the first time on the sidelines of the East Asia Summit in Laos. Photo / Jamie Ensor.

Later Friday, Luxon participated in the East Asia Summit. He was seated between new Japanese Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba and US Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

The Prime Minister walked directly towards Modi, a few seats away. The two men shook hands and spoke for about a minute.

Luxon said in a statement after the summit that the forum provided a valuable opportunity to engage with leaders on the complex issues facing our region.

He added that this included geopolitical tensions and expanding trade.

I stressed the importance of regional security to our collective economic prosperity.

He also announced that New Zealand would host a commemorative ASEAN-New Zealand leaders' summit in Malaysia in November 2025.

Next year marks the 50th anniversary of New Zealand-ASEAN relations. To mark the occasion, the government hopes to transform our current economic relations into a comprehensive strategic partnership.

In his opening comments, captured by the media during the bilateral meeting, Modi expressed his pleasure at finally meeting Luxon.

This is our first meeting in person, so I'm very happy to see you. We spoke on the phone in July, it was after [the Indian] elections. But I am very happy to have the opportunity to see you today and to discuss some important issues.

A statement issued by the Indian government following the bilateral meeting said that a number of topics, such as trade, investment, security, renewable energy, education, agrotechnology, sports, tourism, space and links between peoples were discussed.

[The Prime Ministers] noted that frequent high-level contacts have given strong momentum to bilateral relations. In this context, they recalled the recent visit of the Indian President to New Zealand, which was a huge success.

The Prime Ministers renewed their commitment to further strengthen cooperation in multilateral forums and reiterated their commitment to taking India-New Zealand relations to greater heights.

Prime Minister [Modi] extended an invitation to Prime Minister Luxon to visit India on mutually convenient dates, which he accepted.

Jamie Ensor is a political journalist at New Zealand Herald Press Gallery team based at Parliament. He was previously a television journalist and digital producer in the Newshub Press Gallery office.




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