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Trump insults Detroit during speech in Detroit | US elections 2024

Trump insults Detroit during speech in Detroit | US elections 2024
Trump insults Detroit during speech in Detroit | US elections 2024


Donald Trump attacked the city of Detroit in a speech he gave while seeking votes in Detroit.

The former US president and Republican candidate was speaking on Thursday at the Detroit Economic Club in the city, which is the largest city in Michigan, one of the most crucial swing states for the 2024 US elections.

But Trump, whose speeches are often rambling and long rather than focused speeches, couldn't help but lambast the city he was speaking in by pointing out Detroit's recent history of economic decline since its heyday in as the headquarters of American automobile production.

While talking about China as a developing country, Trump said: Well, if we're also a developing country, take a look at Detroit. Detroit is a developing region more than most places in China.

He then returned to the theme, warning of economic disaster if his Democratic opponent, Kamala Harris, wins the November election.

Our entire country will end up looking like Detroit if she is your president. You're going to have a mess on your hands, Trump said.

A Michigan poll shows Harris and Trump still locked in a very tight race.

Democrats in the state reacted angrily to the insults and saw it as an opportunity to score political points.

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer posted on Twitter/X: Detroit is the epitome of courage, defined by winners willing to put in the work to build their city and create their communities, something Donald Trump does not could never understand. So keep Detroit out of your mouth. And you better believe Detroiters won't forget that come November.

Detroit is struggling to cope with the decline of the American manufacturing sector. A little more than a decade ago, the city became the largest municipality in the country to file for bankruptcy.

But Detroit has also been presented as the symbol of a post-industrial American city in the process of rebuilding, with numerous projects aimed at revitalizing its downtown and attempts to repair and reinvest in its housing stock. In May, the city reported an increase in population for the first time in decades.

That sense of recovery was the theme of Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan's response. He posted: Detroit just hosted the largest NFL draft in history, the Tigers are back in the playoffs, the Lions are headed to the Super Bowl, crime is down and our population is increasing. Many cities should be like Detroit. And we did it all without Trump's help.




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