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Pretrial detention of Imran's sisters extended for two more days – Pakistan

Pretrial detention of Imran's sisters extended for two more days – Pakistan
Pretrial detention of Imran's sisters extended for two more days – Pakistan


ISLAMABAD: An Anti-Terrorism Court (ATC) on Thursday extended the remand of Aleema Khanum and Dr Uzma Khan, sisters of former Prime Minister Imran Khan, for two more days in a case linked to the recent PTI protest in Islamabad D-Chowk.

Judge Abul Hasnat Zulqarnain of the ATC extended the remand for two days even though the prosecution had requested their detention for another 15 days.

The prosecutor, Raja Naveed, argued that Mr. Khan's sisters incited protesters to use a megaphone, threw stones at police officers and coordinated with others to plan attacks on state institutions, including Parliament and the Supreme Court.

According to the prosecution, the mobile phones recovered from the two sisters contained crucial evidence and further investigation was required to recover all relevant information.

The prosecution also said a co-defendant alleged the two sisters provided explosive materials for use during the protest.

According to Mr. Naveed, this was part of a larger plot to target key government institutions.

The sisters were allegedly part of a group aiming to organize a violent protest that led to clashes with law enforcement, resulting in damage to public and private property, he added.

Lawyer Salman Safdar, representing Mr Khan's sisters, disputed the allegations, arguing that they were unfairly detained and were not arrested at the protest site.

He highlighted the fact that none of the sisters had been involved in direct violence at the time of the incident and questioned the need for them to remain in pre-trial detention.

He criticized authorities for targeting women, particularly because of their status as family members of a former prime minister, and called for their release on bail.

These women did not commit any crime. They were merely present in the area and are now being punished due to their relationship with Imran Khan, advocate Safdar argued.

Where is the evidence that they supplied explosives or led these protests? The prosecution is only speculating, he added.

During the hearing, Aleema Khan reiterated her innocence, saying she and her sister were standing peacefully when they were arrested.

She questioned the credibility of the accusations against them and criticized the authorities for their handling of the case.

Meanwhile, the same court granted pre-arrest interim bail to PTI general secretary Salman Akram Raja in connection with a protest-related case in the Supreme Court.

PTI supporters had gathered outside the apex court to express their displeasure over the ongoing legal and political developments, particularly the ruling on Article 63-A and the proposed constitutional amendments.

Kohsar police have filed a case against several PTI leaders and workers, accusing them of fomenting trouble and causing damage to public property.

In related news, the Islamabad High Court was informed that a special investigation team has been set up to probe the disappearance of PTI lawyer Intizar Panjutha.

While hearing a petition seeking his reinstatement, the Islamabad Inspector General of Police informed Chief Justice Aamer Farooq that through digital camera footage, Mr. Panjutha was last seen times at F-6 and Ayub Chowk, Islamabad. He said various agencies had been contacted to trace him.

However, he added, the SIM card of Mr. Panjutha's mobile phone has not been traced through Call Data Recording (CDR) and efforts are on to track the phone's location via WhatsApp.

The court ordered the IGP to submit a detailed report on the progress of the investigation and adjourned the hearing to Friday (today).

Published in Dawn, October 11, 2024




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