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Video shows old rally for former Pakistani PM Khan in Karachi, not 'Islamabad 2024'

Video shows old rally for former Pakistani PM Khan in Karachi, not 'Islamabad 2024'


Supporters of imprisoned former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan attempted to take over the streets of the capital Islamabad in October 2024. A video of a massive demonstration circulating on social media, however, does not show the recent protest. The video, viewed tens of thousands of times, was actually filmed in Karachi, the country's largest city, and was shared online after Khan's ouster in April 2022.

“D-Chowk Islamabad,” reads the caption in Urdu alongside the video posted on Facebook on October 4, 2024.

“D-Chowk” refers to an interchange in Islamabad located near key buildings including Parliament, the Presidential Palace and the Supreme Court (archived link).

The video, viewed more than 100,000 times, shows a large crowd gathered at night on a wide road.

Screenshot taken on October 8, 2024 of the fake Facebook post

The video was also shared with a similar misrepresentation on YouTube here and here.

Khan's Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party has defied a government crackdown on regular protests since the former leader was jailed on multiple charges in 2023.

He insists that the charges against him, some of which are still pending in court, were intended to prevent him from returning to office.

In early October, PTI activists began traveling to Islamabad from Khan's power base in the country's northwest Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, but they faced shipping container roadblocks and volleys of tear gas (archived link).

Small, scattered convoys rushed to Islamabad in defiance of the government, which approved the deployment of troops on the streets.

The video circulating, however, was filmed in Karachi and does not show the recent protest.

Demonstration against eviction

A reverse image search of key frames from the video found the same images posted on Facebook on April 11, 2022 as Khan's supporters protested his ouster via a no-confidence motion in parliament (archived link).

“Karachi’s decision, Prime Minister Imran Khan and a self-reliant Pakistan,” read the caption of the post.

Below is a screenshot comparing the fake post video (left) and the April 2022 Facebook video (right):

Comparison of screenshots of the fake post (left) and the April 2022 Facebook video (right)

The verified PTI account on Dear President #ImranKhan, thank you for making us a nation! What we see today across Pakistan is a phenomenon. I will never forget!” (archived link).

At the time, the PTI announced that the protest sites included the Millennium Mall in Karachi (archived link).

AFP confirmed the location of the video by comparing it with street images on Google Maps of the Millenium Mall buildings (archived link).

Below is a screenshot comparison of the video in the fake post (left) and the corresponding Google Maps street view (right) with the similarities highlighted:

Comparison of screenshots of a fake message (left) and a Google Maps street view (right) with similarities highlighted by AFP

The AFP has repeatedly denied false information about Khan.




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