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Prime Minister Narendra Modi unveils 10-point plan to strengthen ASEAN-India ties

Prime Minister Narendra Modi unveils 10-point plan to strengthen ASEAN-India ties
Prime Minister Narendra Modi unveils 10-point plan to strengthen ASEAN-India ties


Prime Minister Narendra Modi unveiled a 10-point plan to strengthen the ASEAN-India Comprehensive Partnership at the 21st ASEAN-India Summit to improve connectivity and resilience.

To commemorate a decade of Act East politics, Prime Minister Modi announced a series of people-centric initiatives, including a youth summit and a startup festival.

“The India-ASEAN summit was productive. We discussed how to further strengthen the India-ASEAN comprehensive strategic partnership. We look forward to deepening trade ties, cultural ties and cooperation in technology, connectivity and other such sectors,” PM Modi posted on X.

Prime Minister Modi's 10-point plan to strengthen the ASEAN-India partnership also involves doubling the number of scholarships at Nalanda University and inviting ASEAN leaders to join the 'Plant a tree for the mother.

Notably, in line with the presidency's theme “Improving Connectivity and Resilience”, the Prime Minister announced a 10-point plan, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a press release.

The 10-point plan includes: — Celebrating the year 2025 as ASEAN-India Year of Tourism for which India would make available $5 million for joint activities; celebrating a decade of Act East politics through several people-centric activities including Youth Summit, Start-up Festival, Hackathon, Music Festival, ASEAN-India Think Tank Network and Dialogue from Delhi; organize the ASEAN-India Women Scientists Conclave under the ASEAN-India Science and Technology Development Fund; doubling the number of scholarships at Nalanda University and providing new scholarships to ASEAN students at agricultural universities in India.

The plan also includes revising the ASEAN-India Trade in Goods Agreement by 2025; strengthening disaster resilience, for which India would make $5 million available; launch a new approach by health ministers aimed at strengthening health resilience; launch a regular ASEAN-India cyber policy dialogue mechanism aimed at strengthening digital and cyber resilience; workshop on green hydrogen; and inviting ASEAN leaders to join the “Plant a Tree for Mother” campaign aimed at strengthening climate resilience, the MEA said.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Modi also shared a message on his »

Randhir Jaiswal, spokesperson of the Ministry of External Affairs, also spoke about Prime Minister Modi's 10-point plan and said, “On the 10th day of the 10th month of the milestone year celebrating 10 years of Act East policy, Prime Minister @narendramodi announced a 10-point plan to strengthen the ASEAN-India comprehensive partnership at the 21st ASEAN-India Summit.

In another jobhe said: ““Strengthening connectivity and resilience” with the ASEAN family. Prime Minister @narendramodi today participated in the 21st ASEAN-India Summit in Vientiane, Lao PDR.

“In the 10th year of the Act East policy, the Prime Minister announced a 10-point plan to strengthen connectivity and resilience, based on the theme of ASEAN Chairmanship 2024, including physical connectivity , digital, cultural and spiritual to achieve cybersecurity, disaster, supply chain, health and climate resilience. The Prime Minister reiterated India's support for ASEAN unity, ASEAN centrality and ASEAN perspectives on the Indo-Pacific,” the message added.

Notably, the 21st ASEAN-India Summit was held in Vientiane, Lao PDR on October 10. Marking a decade of India's Action East Policy, Prime Minister Modi joined ASEAN leaders to review the progress of the ASEAN-India Comprehensive Strategic Partnership and chart the future direction. of cooperation. This was the Prime Minister's 11th participation in the Summit.

In his speech, Prime Minister Modi reiterated India's support for ASEAN unity, ASEAN centrality and ASEAN perspectives on the Indo-Pacific. Terming the 21st century as the Asian century, he stressed that India-ASEAN relations were critical in guiding Asia's future.

Highlighting the dynamism of India's Act East policy, the Prime Minister noted that over the past ten years, trade between India and ASEAN has doubled to over $130 billion.

“ASEAN is one of India’s largest trade and investment partners today; direct air connectivity established with seven ASEAN countries; promising start made with the Fin-tech collaboration with the region; and significant progress made in the restoration of common cultural heritage in five ASEAN countries,” the MEA said in the statement.

Prime Minister Modi also highlighted the need to complete the review of the ASEAN-India FTA (AITIGA) within a time-bound manner to harness greater economic potential for the benefit of the ASEAN-India community. He also spoke about the progress of India-ASEAN knowledge partnership through scholarships provided to ASEAN youth at Nalanda University.

(This report is published from a syndicated feed. Except for the headline, the content was not written or edited by OpIndia staff)




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