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Boris Johnson goes crazy (more if possible) with his memoirs

Boris Johnson goes crazy (more if possible) with his memoirs
Boris Johnson goes crazy (more if possible) with his memoirs


If Winston Churchill said that history would surely be kind to him because he planned to write it personally (and he did), Boris Johnson agrees, even if the outcome is probably not the same , and the verdict of time is much greater. severe. But if you try it, it won't…

Unchained the title of his memoir, has meanings in Spanish such as detached , released o triggered . Also disheveled which is perhaps most appropriate given the natural state of her blonde hair. And in the book he certainly lives up to that adjective, because he leaves no puppet behind: Netanyahu, Macron, Obama, all the leaders of the EU as a whole, his predecessors like David Cameron and Theresa May, his successors like Rishi Sunak, his former colleagues. like Michael Gove, Ben Wallace and Dominic Cummings, US Presidents Barak Obama and Joe Biden, actor Leonardo di Caprio (for not listening to him), his neighbors in the Oxfordshire town where he lives, and well sure Labor leader Keir. Starmer. Only Trump and Queen Elizabeth are saved from their darts.

Book Suggests Netanyahu Planted Bugs in Foreign Ministry Toilets

Johnson left through the back door of Downing Street, as Parliament prepared to censure him for lying (in relation to illegal parties in Downing Street during the pandemic) and as sixty members of his government tendered their resignations en bloc . But I'm sorry , I'm sorry , excuse , pardon , I'm sorry This does not exist in their vocabulary, in any language. He is always right, and in his enormous ego he compares himself without blushing to Julius Caesar and Pericles.

Boris wants to rewrite history to open the door to a possible return to the forefront of British politics, which is not unreasonable, given the state the Conservative Party finds itself in (largely by its mistake). The bases must choose as their next leader between Kemi Badenoch and Robert Jenrick, both far-right and possibly transitional figures who may not make it to the next election. Johnson does not rule out, depending on how things develop for Labor, presenting himself once again as the savior of the nation.

The memoirs put on sale yesterday, and for which he received an advance of 600,000 euros, which he hopes to reach five million with sales and international rights, look back on his fifteen years of political life, as mayor of London , Minister of Foreign Affairs. and Prime Minister. A decade and a half in which, from his point of view, he only made the mistake of trusting those who betrayed him. And you, Brutus .

Unchained reveals that, during a visit to the Foreign Ministry, Beniamin Netanyahu asked him to use the toilet in his office and that, curiously, hidden microphones were discovered shortly afterwards; that during the pandemic he was planning to invade the Netherlands with sailors that they would arrive by boat through the canals to the warehouse in the city of Leiden where the pharmaceutical company Astra Zeneca had millions of doses of the covid vaccine, which corresponded to the UK and which the EU refused to deliver ; that when he himself fell ill with the virus, he thought he was going to die and Donald Trump sent him to the hospital with drugs that were not yet approved in this country; that Queen Elizabeth suffered from bone cancer, even though her death was officially attributed to old age; that the palace asked him to intercede with Prince Henry not to go into exile in California, but this proved futile.

When a BBC journalist asked him yesterday, point-blank, as part of the book's publication, if he was a liar (for having claimed that the United Kingdom would save 400 million euros per week in leaving the EU), the former Prime Minister became furious and reaffirmed that Brexit meant freedom for the country and the victory of democracy, even though 57% of Britons now believe this was a mistake. Error is another word that does not appear in the dictionary johnsoniano . And as for the Downing Street parties that cost him his job, they were normal and perfectly legal. More would be missing. What happened was his former advisor Dominic Cummings got revenge for firing him and leaked the photos.

From his meetings with other world leaders, Johnson recalls Putin threatening him with a veiled nuclear attack if missiles launched from Ukraine reached Russia (I wouldn't want to hurt you, Boris). He accuses Macron of having encouraged maritime traffic across the Channel to take revenge for Brexit, and does not hide his contempt for Joe Biden, to whom he gave a photo taken from Wikipedia which is not worth a penny, taxpayers do not won't be able to complain about it. . In a word, untangle. Genius and figure.




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