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Trump campaign calls for military protection, fearing Iranian threat | Donald Trump News

Trump campaign calls for military protection, fearing Iranian threat | Donald Trump News
Trump campaign calls for military protection, fearing Iranian threat | Donald Trump News


There is no evidence that Iran was behind the two assassination attempts against the former president.

Donald Trump's campaign requested the use of military aircraft to protect the former president in the final weeks of the election race, an unprecedented request for a candidate in the United States.

The extraordinary request, which also included expanded flight restrictions over Trump residences and rallies, as well as a set of military vehicles to transport him, comes as many in Trump's orbit have become convinced , without evidence, that Iran may have been behind two recent assassination attempts against Trump. the former president, the New York Times and the Washington Post reported Friday.

No presidential candidate in recent history has flown on military aircraft during an election campaign. Kamala Harris has military protection and flies on Air Force Two, a military plane, because she is the sitting vice president.

Iranian threat

Last month, Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung said in a statement that Trump had been warned by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence about real and specific threats from Iran to assassinate him with the aim of to destabilize and sow chaos in the United States.

Intelligence officials have identified that these continuous and coordinated attacks have intensified in recent months, Cheung said at the time.

Trump echoed that assertion on his Truth Social platform, writing that Iran had taken steps before that didn't work, but that he would try again.

There is no evidence linking Iran to either of the two recent assassination attempts against the former president, but the FBI would not rule out the possibility of a link. U.S. intelligence officials believe Iranian leaders may seek revenge for the assassination of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard chief Gen. Qassem Soleimani, who was killed in a U.S. drone strike in Baghdad in 2020, when Trump was president . Officials believe Iran's ability to strike at the United States is limited.

According to the Washington Post, citing emails and anonymous sources, the requests for military protection came after Trump's campaign advisers received briefings in which the government claimed Iran was still actively plotting to kill him. Advisors are increasingly concerned about drones and missiles, the sources said.

Secret Service Failures

The demands are the latest in an escalating battle between Trump's team and the Secret Service, which admitted security failures during a July campaign rally in which Trump was shot and lightly injured .

The attacker in that case, Thomas Matthew Crooks, 20, who was killed at the scene, and Ryan Routh, an armed man who was found in September pointing a rifle through a fence on a property in golf course in West Palm Beach, Florida. where Trump was playing, would have acted alone.

Routh was charged with attempted murder and pleaded not guilty.

A Secret Service spokesperson said in a statement that Trump already enjoys the highest levels of protection, including temporary restrictions on flying over the former president's residence and during his travels.




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