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President Joko Widodo inaugurates Mayapada Nusantara Hospital

President Joko Widodo inaugurates Mayapada Nusantara Hospital
President Joko Widodo inaugurates Mayapada Nusantara Hospital


NUSANTARA, Mayapada Healthcare (PT Sejahteraraya Anugrahjaya Tbk.) (IDX: SRAJ), the business pillar of the Mayapada Group in the field of healthcare services, inaugurated the seventh hospital unit of the Mayapada Nusantara Hospital in the Nusantara Capital area ( IKN), Penajam Paser Utara, East Kalimantan. The inauguration was led directly by the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo, accompanied by First Lady Iriana Joko Widodo, Minister of Health Budi Gunadi Sadikin, Minister of State Pratikno, Minister of PUPR and Plt. Head of IKN Authority Mochamad Basuki Hadimuljono, Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi, Deputy Minister of ATR Raja Juli Antoni, TNI Commander Agus Subiyanto, National Police Chief Listyo Sigit Prabowo, Founder of Mayapada Group Dato Sri Tahir , Chairman and CEO of Mayapada Healthcare Group

Jonathan Tahir and the director of Mayapada Hospital Nusantara dr. Farah Alkatiri.

The presence of Mayapada Nusantara Hospital is a milestone in the history of Mayapada Healthcare's continuous journey, where Mayapada Nusantara Hospital is the first hospital of Mayapada Healthcare to operate outside of Java. Located in IKN,

Mayapada Nusantara Hospital is designed as a knowledge transfer center, in collaboration with Apollo Hospitals India, the international strategic partner of Mayapada Healthcare.

Every time an investor wants to come to IKN, whether domestic or foreign investors, they always ask two questions. If I move here my children will also move here, is there a school? The second question was if my child and I moved to the archipelago capital, would there be a good quality hospital if we were sick. Now I can answer, there is, namely Mayapada Hospital. Mayapada Nusantara Hospital with quality of service, I assure you, is good and of international standard because it has collaborated with Apollo Hospitals India. “So now Mr. Basuki, Mr. Raja Juli, if an investor comes in, be sure to let it be known that the hospital already exists,” said President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo.

President Joko Widodo really appreciates what the Mayapada Group has done in helping to give confidence to ASN who wish to settle in the archipelago, to people who wish to settle in the archipelago, but also to investors who wish invest in the capital of the archipelago.

“Saying Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, I inaugurated the Mayapada Nusantara Hospital in the archipelago capital this afternoon, thank you Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh,” President Joko Widodo said.

In line with the concept of sustainability towards environmental sustainability, the construction of Mayapada Nusantara Hospital was built in accordance with PUPR Ministerial Regulation No. 10 of 2023 regarding Smart Buildings (BGC), the Ministry of Health guidelines for hospitals respectful of the environment, and implementing the principles of Green Buildings (BGH). Spanning an area of ​​1.1 hectares, Mayapada Nusantara Hospital will have a capacity of 200 beds, more than 200 senior medical staff, with hospital room types ranging from general class to VIP class, as well as as well as comprehensive medical support facilities.

Mayapada Healthcare Group Chief Executive Officer Jonathan Tahir said he was grateful to President Jokowi for the inauguration of the Mayapada Nusantara Hospital.

This is an important step in Mayapada Healthcare's sustainable development spirit of providing international standard healthcare services to a wider range of Indonesians. Through a partnership with Apollo Hospitals India, Mayapada Nusantara Hospital presents itself as a green and smart hospital that encourages the transformation of healthcare services so that they can treat various complex cases in a more advanced manner, through the transfer of expertise of domestic and foreign doctors, as well as the adoption of the technology we practice here.

“We also remain committed to providing access to inclusive health services and are ready to serve patients from various insurance providers, such as national and multinational insurance companies and insurance companies, as well as the government insurance, BPJS Health and BPJS Employment. “We are confident that Mayapada Hospital in Nusantara can make a significant contribution to creating a stronger and better health ecosystem for the people of IKN and East Kalimantan,” he said.

In collaboration with Apollo Hospitals India, Mayapada Healthcare is organizing a medical staff training program for the exchange of knowledge and skills between domestic and international doctors, as well as to encourage the presence of foreign senior doctors with special experience and expertise to practice in Indonesia. to ensure that knowledge transfer is effective. This program will focus on the soon-to-be-built Mayapada Nusantara Hospital and Mayapada Apollo Batam International Hospital in the Batam Special Economic Zone, as well as other units in the future. This clinical collaboration also encourages Mayapada Healthcare to support the Mayapada Group in the operational management of RSBP Batam.

We are proud to lead a strategic collaboration with Mayapada Healthcare, as a premium healthcare service provider in Indonesia. We bring decades of medical expertise, especially in complex procedures such as organ transplants, cancer treatment and others, said Gaurav Malhotra, representative of Apollo Hospitals Group in Indonesia.

The collaboration with Apollo Hospitals India was possible thanks to the support of the Indonesian Ambassador to India and the Indian Ambassador to Indonesia. On another occasion, Sandeep Chakravorty, Indian Ambassador to Indonesia, invited stakeholders to come to IKN and Batam.

“Mayapada Healthcare and Apollo Hospitals Group are taking the right strategic steps to advance the healthcare sector in both countries and strengthen the bonds of friendship between Indonesia and India,” he said.

Since August 2024, Mayapada Hospital in Nusantara has been operating accident emergency services (trauma emergencies) which are on standby 24 hours a day, and will gradually supplement the emergency service facilities for stroke and heart disease, as well as superior services that will be integrated with others. Mayapada Hospital Units, such as Uronephrology, Diabetes, Metabolism and Endocrine System (Internal Medicine), Cardiovascular, Oncology, Neurology, Gastrohepatology, Orthopedics, Obstetrics and Pediatrics. Dr. Farah Alkatiri, MM., MPH., FISQua, Director of Mayapada Nusantara Hospital emphasized that Mayapada Nusantara Hospital prioritizes safety and comfort (patient experience) by always involving patients at every step treatment (patient-centered care), in accordance with all Mayapada principles. Hospital units providing high quality healthcare services meeting international standards.

“We present great doctors from Mayapada Nusantara Hospital who are ready to actively collaborate with the multidisciplinary team of doctors from other units of Mayapada Hospital (collaboration of care,” emphasized Doctor Farah. (hms/ala )




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