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The military establishment (ME) and the government have decided to label Imran Khan as a fitna [conspiratorial, divisive, violent]. To most other anti-Khan people, he is stubborn, narcissistic, selfish and, therefore, unfit for important political office. Just before he became prime minister in 2018, and during his tenure, Khan's antics and rhetoric were either seen as brilliant and endearing by his supporters or simply satirized by his opponents.

In 2015, however, three years before Khan became prime minister, nuclear physicist and author Pervez Hoodbhoy wrote in Dawn that Khan was actually dangerous. Hoodbhoy stopped just short of calling him crazy too. Of course, Hoodbhoy was severely lambasted by Khan's supporters. Yet today, nearly a decade after Hoodbhoy's article, more and more people are expressing concern about Khan's state of mind and emotional disposition. But to his established fans, he remains a master strategist.

Indeed, to remain in the landscape despite his incarceration, he has skillfully manipulated the broad support he enjoys in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) and in the urban and peri-urban areas of central Punjab. He has also cleverly used the courts to thwart the ME's plans to completely neutralize him politically.

His party still has a powerful network on social media. But all this brought him only small victories. Overall, it was more about digging deeper into a hole he found himself in after his arrest last year.

Imran Khan's antics over the past few years have been driven by pressure, paranoia and fear of losing influence. His increasingly untenable position is a product of his own creation and seems to leave him with no way back.

Clever little ploys to frustrate his opponents are not wise political strategies, especially in a scenario in which he is facing a series of serious accusations and his party, outside of social media, is in complete disarray. Furthermore, the current ME seems determined to teach him a lesson to demonize him.

His strategy of continuing to demonize the ME through his social networks, with the aim of frustrating him and thus attracting his attention enough for him to agree to dialogue with him, is a rather unhealthy ploy. Is this crazy? Utopian? Or just crazy? Khan is not stupid. But like most contemporary populists, he too finds that conventional political tactics fall short of his popular and charismatic stature.

So, instead of formulating pragmatic tactics to have a more meaningful exchange with his civilian adversaries and seeking to present a new and improved version of himself to a seething ME, he often decided to employ diabolical ploys, including the conclusions, in his head, are not very realistic.

For example, most political commentators insist that Khan seemed convinced that last year's riots, instigated by his party and in which military assets were attacked, would spark a rebellion against the current military leader and would see pro-Khan generals break him out of prison. Nothing like that happened.

Last week's plan to occupy the country's capital was equally unstable. Khan believed this would raise the possibility that an important international summit would be canceled, forcing the government and ME to reach out to him and ask him to step down. The plan failed.

So, has Khan lost his mind? Maybe. But this unease is not uncommon among politicians, particularly those who have enjoyed a high degree of adulation and influence. In 2019, American psychology professor David P Barash wrote that political leaders can often act out of anger, despair, stubbornness, vengeance, pride and dogmatic conviction, particularly when threatened. Furthermore, in certain situations, an irrational, even fatal, act may seem justified to them.

While in his bunker during the final days of World War II, Adolf Hitler ordered what he hoped would be the total destruction of Germany, as he felt his people had failed him. In 1941, when Japan's defense minister ordered an attack on the U.S. Navy at Pearl Harbor, he said, “Sometimes you have to close your eyes and jump off Kiyomizu Temple.” [a renowned suicide spot in Japan].

Pressure, paranoia and fear of losing power and influence can have a devastating impact on a political leader. If he has accumulated influence and support in abundance but begins to feel that he is about to lose it, he may lose his bearings and begin to plan a revival by irrational means.

In a 1993 study, psychologist JD Mayer wrote that this is when a political leader becomes dangerous. He called it Dangerous Leader Disorder (DLD). Symptoms of the disorder include: indifference to the suffering of people and devaluation of others, intolerance of criticism, and a grandiose sense of national entitlement.

Symptoms of DLD are clearly present in various contemporary populist leaders. Recently, as Khan and his spokespersons urged his supporters to come face to face with armed military troops stationed in Islamabad, some political analysts and commentators lamented that Khan was treating his supporters like sacrificial lambs because he needed to corpses to put pressure on. on the ME.

It is now well established that Khan does not take criticism very well and, even in prison, he believes he has the right to become prime minister again and run the country as he sees fit. Hoodbhoy saw this coming. In fact, there are also those who claim to have warned the three previous leaders of the ME to invest in a man who knew very little about politics, was impulsive, selfish, superstitious and would do anything to restore his position if and when. it was taken away from him.

The truth is that his position was not deleted. He betrayed it himself by behaving irrationally on numerous occasions. He began to be seen as a threat by the ME to the country's economic interests and foreign policy. According to his civilian opponents, by contrast, he was plotting with high-ranking military officers and judges to remain in power by completely eliminating all opposition, transforming Pakistan into a one-party state, and reducing the army to its strength. personal policy. .

It was one side of his madness. The other side emerged when he was constitutionally ousted in 2022 and then imprisoned on various charges. This is where Mayers DLD came into serious play. And it erodes any chance of him becoming Prime Minister again.

Published in Dawn, EOS, October 13, 2024




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