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Trump Vs. Harris in “Family Feud”

Trump Vs. Harris in “Family Feud”
Trump Vs. Harris in “Family Feud”


Saturday Night Live mocked Donald Trump's refusal to do another debate and instead had him face Kamala Harris on Family Feud.

With Kenan Thompson as host Steve Harvey, the cold open brought back election season regulars: Maya Rudolph as Harris, joined by her “family” of Andy Samberg as Doug Emhoff, Jim Gaffigan as the role of Tim Walz and Dana Carvey as Joe Biden. James Austin Johnson was joined by Mikey Day as Don Jr. and Bowen Yang as JD Vance, with one spot missing for Melania Trump.

“It’s so strange. I could have sworn she was standing right next to me about two years ago,” Trump said, as Harvey introduced the team’s players.

As Trump and Harris faced off in front of the buzzers, the former president told Harvey, “I'm telling you Steve, she's going to be very horrible at this game.” He is a low IQ person. The whole world makes fun of her because they don't respect her like they respected me.

Harris replied: “The fact is that Donald Trump likes dictators, right, because anyone can manipulate him just through flattery. »

Trump protested: “That’s simply not true. This is not true.

Harris tells him, “You look very handsome.”

Trump is won over. “I love her. Isn’t she great?

The first question: “Name something you keep in your glove compartment.” »

Harris entered first.

She then launched into her stump speech. “Steve, look, I grew up in a middle-class family. My mother raised my sister and me, okay? She worked hard and saved, and we also have a second mother.

Harvey replied: “Okay, did that mother have a glove compartment.”

Harris said, “A small business owner named Miss Shelton.”

Harvey, growing impatient, said, “OK, we got it. Something you keep in your glove compartment.

“Oh, a glock, Steve, a big old glock.”

In town halls and interviews, Harris had mentioned owning guns because her campaign aimed to win over centrist voters and push back against Trump's assertion that she wanted to take guns away from people.

This was the third week in a row that SNL featured Rudolph, Gaffigan, Samberg, and Carvey in the open air, the latter of whom described Biden as endlessly confused (he called Harvey “Regis”), and with a dose of Biden-isms. “I’m resting. First, I sleep when I can. Number two, I'm going to sleep now.

Trump, meanwhile, objects to the first question — naming something kept in a glove compartment — when it's his team's opportunity to steal.

“Well, Steve, I've never ridden in the front seat of a car, so this question is very unfair. So to answer that, I'm going to do one of my signature weaves, right? It's called a weave where I say a lot of different things, but it all comes together so well, like an episode of Seinfeld. Seinfeld, you know, Jerry always wore mom jeans. Bad genes, just like the immigrants who are ruining this country. They eat animals! They are eating Moo Deng! It's so sad. When you look at Korea, you look at Japan, America isn't even included. There is no room. So it's like a glove box, there's no room. See what I did there, Steve?

“I know exactly what you did,” Harvey responded, before concluding what Trump was trying to answer. “Show me, insanity!”




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