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President Joko Widodo to inaugurate Aceh MSME HUB Aneuk Muda Unggul at KIA Ladong

President Joko Widodo to inaugurate Aceh MSME HUB Aneuk Muda Unggul at KIA Ladong
President Joko Widodo to inaugurate Aceh MSME HUB Aneuk Muda Unggul at KIA Ladong, The City of London – President Joko Widodo will return to Aceh to inaugurate the Development Center building Aneuk Young Aceh Superior Great (Amanah) in Ladong Aceh Industrial Area (KIA), Aceh Besar and Kerto Dam Project, North Aceh, Tuesday (10/15/2024).

“The Amanah Building will be used as an MSME HUB development center for millennials in Aceh,” Amanah Aceh Chairman Mohd Tanwir told, Sunday (10/13/2024).

Mohd Tanwir explained that the construction of the Amanah Development Center was President Joko Widodo's flagship program to transform downstream agricultural, plantation, livestock and fishing products in Aceh into ready-to-eat products for the markets. local, national and export.

For Indonesia, Aceh Kadisperindag said, Amanah-type programs only exist in two provinces. The first in Papua and the second in Aceh.

“In Papua, the program was inaugurated by President Joko Widodo and has been operating for five years, after the implementation of the XX PON in Papua,” said Mohd Tanwir.

In Aceh, he continued, President Joko Widodo did the same thing, after organizing the XXI PON Aceh-North Sumatra in September 2024.

The implementation of President Joko Widodo's Trusted Excellence program, said Mohd Tanwir, was carried out by the Central State Intelligence Agency (BIN), on the orders of the President.

The Amanah programme, Mohd Tanwir said, covers a number of business areas, namely agriculture, plantations, livestock, fisheries, creative industries, MSMEs, sports, social programs and others.

According to Mohd Tanwir, the flagship activities of the Amanah program are already underway. BIN, as the party appointed by President Joko Widodo to organize the program, encouraged Aceh's youth to become superior entrepreneurs through downstream training of patchouli products.

Apart from that, BIN also encouraged young people in Aceh to become reliable and professional ready-to-drink coffee processors (baristas) for coffee. Then take the youth to become millennial red pepper farmers in Bener Meriah and Central Aceh.

Acehnese youth members of the Amanah program also promoted MSME products in the form of perfume, bath soap from the patchouli plant and patchouli oil that they produce in a number of markets in modern retail in Aceh, especially at Suzuya Shopping Center, Banda Aceh.

Aside from that, he added, young Aceh designers who gained knowledge also participated in various national-level design competitions and won.

“Young men and women from Aceh who already have expertise in their field will become trainers for the young entrepreneurs who have just been welcomed and then trained in the Amanha building, to become reliable, superior and great young millennial entrepreneurs” , he declared. explain.

The organizer of the Amanah training program for youth in Aceh, said Mohd Tanwir, in Lasnakana by the National Intelligence Agency, together with a number of working partners and stakeholders in Aceh. These include universities, departments and technical establishments.

The Amanah Building, which was built at the KIA Ladong site for IDR 150 billion, said Mohd Tanwir, is expected to attract local, domestic and foreign investors to build industrial factories in KIA Ladong.

According to Moh Tanwir, the President's hope of building an MSME HUB in KIA Ladong is to strengthen MSMEs in Aceh and become a pillar for young Acehnese to build a strong and reliable MSME processing industry.

Because the Amanah site covers an area of ​​five hectares, Mohd Tanwir said, the central government has prepared various supporting facilities that Aceh's youth need to innovate, be creative and express themselves to become a superior youth , reliable and formidable, producing good. , works of art and innovative and creative products.

“In the Amanah building complex, there are dormitories, training places, production places, packaging houses and studios to develop innovation and intellectual creativity into products that sell well in the markets local, national and international,” he said.

The Amanah program, said Mohd Tanwir, is President Joko Widodo's legacy for the people and youth of Aceh. []




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