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Boris Johnson's revelations which shake England

Boris Johnson's revelations which shake England
Boris Johnson's revelations which shake England


Former Prime Minister Boris Johnson revealed in his memoirs published Thursday, the real cause of the death of Queen Elizabeth II.

“Former Prime Minister Boris Johnson claims that Queen Elizabeth suffered from bone cancer”, this sentence covered all the newspapers and magazines of the British press when the good sheets of the ex-Prime Minister's memoirs appeared , early October.

Buckingham has always hidden the causes of the death of Queen Elizabeth, on September 8, 2022 at the age of 96, writing on his death certificate that the sovereign had died of “old age”.

By revealing the illness from which the queen suffered, Boris Johnson is attacking a taboo of the royal family, at least until Elizabeth II, that of royal health. If Charles III opted for a certain transparency, revealing at the start of the year that he was suffering from cancer, without revealing its nature, however, the queen never wanted to communicate on the subject. Just like his predecessors.

If Buckingham did not mention the queen's cancer, “it is out of concern to protect the dignity of the office and the memory of the one who reigned for 70 years”, underlines in the Royal Podcast Marc Roche, correspondent for Le Point Londres, and author of Borgia Buckingham (Albin Michel).

The sovereign was indeed very diminished at the end of her life, but the palace never referred to her health except with great euphemism, speaking of “discomfort” and “mobility problems” to explain her absence or her absence. need rest.

Betrayed the Queen's trust

During the Queen's last days, Buckingham informed 10 Downing Street daily of the evolution of his state of health: “It's constitutional, he had to do it”, indicates Marc Roche. Boris Johnson was then living his last days as Prime Minister, before giving way to the short-lived Liz Truss. It is therefore quite likely that the queen did indeed have cancer.

A biographer, Gyles Brandreth, had already revealed this in his book Elizabeth, 50 years with the royal couple, confides exclusivesappeared in the United Kingdom shortly after the Queen's death.

Elizabeth II reached
Elizabeth II suffering from “a form of cancer”: Boris Johnson’s revelations which shake England

These revelations especially shocked royal commentators, pained to see that Boris Johnson had betrayed the Queen's trust.

“Given that Queen Elizabeth chose not to reveal her health – and that her death certificate lists 'old age' as the cause – it is highly unlikely that she would have allowed Boris Johnson to reveal in her book, two years later, that she had in fact been diagnosed with bone cancer”, notes the ITV royal columnist.

But if he showed indlicateness, Boris Johnson did not break the protocol which requires that meetings between the Prime Minister and the sovereign remain secret.

Very unpopular

“Now that he is a former prime minister, it is much more acceptable,” emphasizes Marc Roche. “This would have been a problem if Boris Johnson was still Prime Minister, to the extent that the one-on-one meeting between the head of government and the monarch must remain secret.”

And then, the journalist further notes, “Boris Johnson, whose downfall is linked to the parties he gave at 10 Downing Street during Covid, is very unpopular. And the public prefers Buckingham’s version”.

Other information revealed in Boris Johnson's memoirs shocks public opinion more than the health of the Queen, “notably the idea of ​​invading the Netherlands to recover anti-covid vaccines”.




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