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NPCI calls on Jokowi to retire and dare to end discrimination against people with disabilities

NPCI calls on Jokowi to retire and dare to end discrimination against people with disabilities
NPCI calls on Jokowi to retire and dare to end discrimination against people with disabilities


Solo, Central Java (ANTARA) – General Chairman of the National Paralympic Committee of Indonesia (NPCI) Senny Marbun said his party was plunged into emotion when President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo resigned from his post.

“All of us, members of the NPCI, will be immersed in emotion because President Joko Widodo dared to eradicate discrimination against people with disabilities. Thank you, Mr. President. We and our children and grandchildren will not forget never everything,” Senny said during the closing ceremony of the Peparnas 2024. at the Manahan Stadium, Solo, on Sunday.

Senny considers President Jokowi a leader who provides ample opportunities for athletes with disabilities to excel. The government also equalizes the bonuses of disabled athletes with those of non-disabled athletes.

He said Jokowi had the courage to eliminate discrimination and marginalization of disabled groups so that national achievements in disabled sports would increase during his reign.

This achievement can be attested by Indonesia's success in becoming the overall champion in three consecutive editions of the ASEAN Para Games in 2017, 2022 and 2023.

Then, at the 2018 Asian Paralympics, host Indonesia placed fifth in the medal standings.

Also read: Central Java calls Peparnas overall champion a long wait

Then, at the 2024 French Paralympics, Indonesia managed to collect 14 medals, including one gold medal, which is the highest number of Indonesian Paralympics participations ever.

Before that, at the 2020 Paralympics in Japan, Indonesia won nine medals, including two gold.

“We should be grateful that our disability sports are growing dramatically,” Senny said.

He said that one form of seriousness of the government under Jokowi's leadership in improving the quality of athletes with disabilities is the establishment of a training center for Paralympic athletes in Karanganyar Regency, Central Java .

The President laid the foundation stone for the facility on March 8, 2024. As of August 2024, the construction progress of the training center reached 40 percent and the first phase is expected to be completed in December 2024.

“With these facilities, NPCI athletes should be able to participate in international competitions,” Senny said.

In addition to presenting various artistic and cultural events, the closing ceremony of Peparnas 2024 was also a moment of recognition for President Jokowi.

Also read: Host Central Java wins Peparnas 2024 overall title

Peparnas 2024 will be the last national championship for President Joko Widodo, who will retire on October 20, 2024.

One of the artists present at the ceremony, music group Endank Soekamti, sang a song called “See You” to accompany the screening of a video appreciating President Joko Widodo's services to sports.

Peparnas 2024, which took place from October 6 to 13 and had the theme “Bedo Nanging Digdoyo” or “Different but Powerful,” brought together more than 4,500 athletes and officials from 35 provinces.

The national sporting event for disabled groups participates in 20 sports.

Central Java became the overall champion after collecting a total of 161 gold, 121 silver and 124 bronze medals.

Peparnas 2024 was closed by the Minister of Youth and Sports, Ario Bimo Nandito Ariotedjo, who represented President Joko Widodo.

Also read: Peparnas 2024 is a success, NPCI thanks the President and the Minister of Youth and Sports

Journalist: Michael Siahaan
Editor: Jafar M Sidik
Copyright © ANTARA 2024




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