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Why did Donald Trump's film “The Apprentice” explode?

Why did Donald Trump's film “The Apprentice” explode?
Why did Donald Trump's film “The Apprentice” explode?


In May, after seeing and re-watching the biopic “The Apprentice” about how Donald-Trump learned to be Donald-Trump at the Cannes Film Festival, I had dinner with a group of very quick-witted filmmakers, and we We all agreed that the film, if handled with good marketing sense, had the potential to be a sensation. A few days later, I woke up from this illusion and realized it was a case of festival fever.

It struck me that since we have been living – for eight years – in a state of perpetual Donald Trump excess, a drama about Trump's salad days, when he learned to lie, cheat and steal from Roy Cohn in the shifty eyes, was “This isn't a movie that was necessarily going to set the world on fire. Who was the intended audience? Probably anti-Trump Democrats, who don't, at this point, need big-screen drama to confirm what they already know. Would Trump supporters go for it? Would they boycott it? Would it attract influential voters? anti-Trump direction? It sounds like a mirage from the land of cloud cuckoos, but it's the kind of fantasy that people who make a film like this tend to fall into.

“The Apprentice” is a film that presents itself as incendiary, but as well made as it is, it is closer in spirit to an old TV movie. As a hyped cultural film, it was probably always intended to be a tempest in a teapot. But then something happened, related to this, that was really quite dramatic.

After generating its share of Cannes buzz, the film did not find a distributor. Nobody wanted to touch it. The Trump campaign made legal threats against the film, centering on a scene of sexual assault (an accusation denied in 2015 by Ivana Trump). And that created a ripple effect. But it wasn't just about a possible lawsuit. By May and June, fear had already begun to build that Trump would be the next president (Joe Biden's exclusion from the race was, at this point, not even a glint in the Democratic establishment's eye ), and distributors were afraid of recriminations. What if Trump became president? What would he do to them?

It was a deeply frightening phenomenon to witness. I didn't have much investment in “The Apprentice”, a film I liked but didn't love (I thought that despite its entertaining and insightful qualities, it never managed to get to the mystery of Trump). But after all the bullshit and fear I've ever witnessed in the film industry (fear of failure, fear of making the wrong decision, fear of getting in trouble for elevating art above formulas and commerce), I had never seen anything like it. . Simply put: people were already thinking and acting as if they were living under an authoritarian regime.

“The Apprentice” saga of course had a “happy ending”. The film was eventually purchased by Briarcliff Entertainment, the maverick company founded by the highly regarded Tom Ortenberg. This weekend, it was released on 1,740 screens – a valiant effort, to be sure, although it still bombed, with a lackluster $1.58 million. What if they threw a movie night highlighting the transgressions of young Donald Trump and no one came?

It must be said that Sebastian Stan's performance as Trump is incredibly good, sometimes disturbing. He has the stiff body language, as well as the airy charisma of Trump when he was gentle, suave and handsome enough to be compared to Robert Redford. And if you're one of those fascinated by Roy Cohn, with his mystique of the devil incarnate (in the film, he's a singular serpent who connects the backstage corruption of the old world to the corruption of the hall of mirrors of the nascent world) Trump Media World), Jeremy Strong's performance as Cohn – murderous eyes, machine-gun mouth, the way he exudes power – is the most compelling thing in the film.

In reality, though, with the election looming and the fate of America hanging in the balance, what could be more superficially relevant — and less actually relevant — than a film like “The Apprentice”? The film is meant to be a study in how Donald Trump adopted his ruthless behavior. But even if the Trump the film shows us is ruthless and disloyal, nothing he does can compete with the danger he now poses with every election refusal, every promise to continue his reign as an agent chaos. And this threat is embodied in the fact that “The Apprentice” was almost not published. You could say I'm nitpicking, since the film was widely released this weekend. You could say the system finally worked. However, the fact that everyone in Hollywood was afraid to touch “The Apprentice” should tell you something. This wasn't just an anomaly. Right now, it looks like this could be an ominous preview of attractions to come.




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