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Boris Johnson says Trump was right on Russia and Ukraine

Boris Johnson says Trump was right on Russia and Ukraine
Boris Johnson says Trump was right on Russia and Ukraine


When I was Foreign Minister, he chased away those Russian spies

Former Prime Minister Boris Johnson
Former Prime Minister Boris Johnson | Leon Neal/Getty Images

Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said former President Donald Trump was right in his approach to Russia and Ukraine, noting that during his time as foreign secretary, Trump expelled Russian spies of the United States and that Putin had never invaded Ukraine, as he did under the Obama and Biden administrations.

When I was foreign minister, he expelled these Russian spies, 60 of them. So it can surprise many on the upside, Johnson said in a statement. interview with Times Radio.

I believe that when Donald Trump says that if he had been president in 2022, there would have been no Russian invasion of Ukraine; In my opinion, this is a credible claim. I really think it's credible, Johnson said.

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Regarding the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol, Johnson remarked: “In my opinion, whatever his (Trump's) intentions, I personally don't think he intended, you know, to overthrow the Constitution. And what really happened was the peaceful transfer of democratic power from one administration to another, and that's what should happen.

Johnson also raised concerns about Trump's actions during this period, saying it did not exonerate the former president.

As a seemingly steadfast supporter of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, Johnson acted as a de facto intermediary between Zelensky and Trump, who has criticized the Biden administration for spending billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars on financial aid to Ukraine.

Johnson told Times Radio: “I think some of the pessimism [about Trump] that's an exaggeration, and I think Donald, actually, he gave the Javelins [anti-tank weapons] to the Ukrainians, where the Democrats didn't, right?

Johnson was referring to the Obama administration's decision not to give weapons to Ukraine in 2014, despite calls from then-Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko.

At the time, the Obama administration announced it would provide “$46 million in non-lethal security assistance and $7 million to humanitarian organizations providing humanitarian assistance to Ukrainians affected by the conflict between government forces and Russian-backed separatists in the Eastern region.” The United States today reported in 2014. Poroshenko said he was grateful for the help, but “you cannot win a war with blankets!”

During a presidential election debate In June, Trump said: “If we had a real president, a president Putin respected, he never would have invaded Ukraine. A lot of people are dead right now. He [President Joe Biden] Did nothing to stop it. In fact, I think he encouraged Russia

Meanwhile, aWall Street Journal Poll said voters give Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, the edge over Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic presidential nominee, in handling the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East.

The poll, conducted September 28-October 8 among 2,100 voters, shows Trump leading Harris among voters in swing states, 50% to 39%, on who is best able to handle the war in Russia in Ukraine.

David Lee, a Republican pollster who worked on the survey, commented: “When Trump was president, we didn't have any wars. With Biden-Harris there, there has definitely been more unrest in the world, because quoted by WSJ.

The poll also highlighted that Trump has a wider advantage, 48% to 33%, over Harris in who is best suited to handle the war between Israel and Hamas.

Ruby Zolnier, a registered Democrat from Pennsylvania who is leaning toward voting for Trump, was quoted as saying, “He’s the anti-war candidate. I know he's against spending so much money on foreign conflicts, and he says he wants people to stop dying, and that sounds good.

Conversely, Leon Ferenti, a Georgia Republican who plans to vote for Harris, said, “I don’t think he supports Ukraine.” I think he and Putin are much closer than he lets on.

Trump has claimed, without providing details, that he could quickly resolve both conflicts if he wins in November.




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