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Trump has tested the limits of the use of the military in his country. If he is re-elected, he plans to go further

Trump has tested the limits of the use of the military in his country. If he is re-elected, he plans to go further
Trump has tested the limits of the use of the military in his country. If he is re-elected, he plans to go further


WASHINGTON — During his first term as president, Donald Trump tested the limits of how he could use the military to achieve his political goals. If elected for a second term, the Republican and his allies are preparing to go much further, by reimagining the army as an all-powerful tool to be deployed on American soil.

He pledged to recall thousands of U.S. troops from overseas and station them at the U.S. border with Mexico. He explored the use of troops for domestic policy priorities such as deportations and combating civil unrest. He has spoken of eliminating military officers who are ideologically opposed to him.

Trump's vision amounts to a potentially radical shift in the military's role in American society, carrying serious implications both for the country's place in the world and for restrictions traditionally placed on the use of the military. army at the national level.

As Trump's campaign enters its home stretch against Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris, he is promising strong action against immigrants who lack permanent legal status. Speaking in Colorado on Friday, the Republican described the town of Aurora as a war zone controlled by Venezuelan gangs, even though authorities say it was just a single block of suburban Denver and the area is safe again.

I will save Aurora and every city invaded and conquered, Trump said at the rally. We will put these cruel and bloodthirsty criminals in prison or expel them from our country.

In an interview broadcast Sunday on Fox News Channel, Trump was asked about the possibility of outside agitators disrupting Election Day and then turned to what he called the enemy within.

I think the biggest problem is the enemy within,” Trump said. He added: “We have some very bad people. We have sick, crazy radical leftists. And I think they're the most important and this should be very easily handled, if necessary, by the National Guard, or if really necessary, by the Army, because they can't let this happen.

Trump has repeatedly invoked the phrase enemy within in his recent speeches. On Saturday, he used it to refer to Rep. Adam Schiff, Democrat of California, a prominent Trump critic who oversaw the congressional investigation that led to Trump's first impeachment. Schiff is now running for Senate.

The former president and his advisers are developing plans to shift military priorities and resources, even at a time when wars rage in Europe and the Middle East. Trump's top priority in his agenda, known as Agenda 47, is to implement tough measures on the U.S.-Mexico border by moving thousands of troops currently stationed overseas there. He also pledges to declare war on the cartels and deploy the Navy in a blockade that would board and inspect ships for fentanyl.

Trump also said he would use the National Guard and possibly the military in the operation to deport millions of immigrants who lack permanent legal status.

While Trump's campaign has declined to discuss the details of those plans, including how many troops he would shift from overseas missions to the border, his allies are quick to portray the operation as a mission large-scale project that would use the federal government's most powerful tools. in a new and dramatic way.

There could be an alliance between the Department of Justice, Homeland Security and the Department of Defense. These three departments need to be coordinated in a way that perhaps has never been done before, said Ron Vitiello, who worked as acting director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement under Trump.

While both Democratic and Republican presidential administrations have long used military assets on the border, these plans would constitute a striking escalation of the military's involvement in domestic politics.

Human rights and civil liberties advocates became alarmed.

They promise to use the military to carry out massive raids on American families on a scale that recalls some of the worst things our country has done, said Todd Schulte, president of, an advocacy organization. immigration.

In Congress, which has the power to restrict the use of military force through funding and other authorizations, Republicans largely support Trump's plans.

The reason I support Donald Trump is because he will secure the border on day one. This could be misinterpreted as being a dictator. No, he needs to secure the border, said Rep. Joe Wilson, R-S.C., a ranking member of the House Armed Services Committee.

Many Republicans say Trump's rhetoric on immigration reflects reality and underscores the need for military action.

There is a case where it is an invasion, said North Carolina Sen. Ted Budd, a Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee. There are 10 million people, many of whom are not here for a better future and, unfortunately, this has been necessary. This is a problem that the Biden and Harris administrations created.

Still, Trump's plans to move military resources from abroad could further inflame tensions within the Republican Party between foreign policy warmongers and Republicans who promote Trump's brand of “America First” isolationism.

Republican Rep. Mike Rogers of Alabama, chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, insisted that Trump would not move active-duty troops to the border, even though Trump's agenda makes clear that he would.

In the Senate, where more traditional Republicans still dominate, Mississippi Sen. Roger Wicker, the top Republican on the Armed Services Committee, issued a statement encouraging the Defense Department to help with border security, but adding that The effort had to be directed. by the Department of Homeland Security.

Trump's military plans may not stop at the borders.

As Trump wraps up a campaign marked by serious death threats, his aides have already made an unusual request for military planes to transport him, amid growing concerns about Iranian threats.

During his first term, as riots and protests against police brutality shook the country, Trump also pushed for the deployment of military personnel. Top military officers, like then-General Mark Milley, resisted these plans, including issuing a memo emphasizing that every member of the military takes an oath to support and defend the Constitution and the values ​​anchored therein .

Trump's potential actions would likely require him to invoke war or emergency powers, such as carrying out mass expulsions under the Alien Enemies Act, a law from 1798, or suppressing unrest under the Insurrection Act, an 1807 law that allows a president to deploy the military in his country. and against American citizens. It was last used by President George HW Bush in 1992 during riots in Los Angeles after police officers beat black motorist Rodney King.

Ahead of a possible second Trump term, congressional Democrats attempted to update presidential powers, such as the Insurrection Act, but found little success.

That led them to issue dire warnings that Trump now has fewer safeguards on how he might use the military. He has demonstrated his ability to bend institutions to his ends, from a Supreme Court willing to reconsider long-standing interpretations of presidential powers to a purged army of officers and leaders likely to push back on his plans.

Sen. Richard Blumenthal, Democrat of Connecticut, who introduced legislation to update the Insurrection Act, said the plans highlight Donald Trump's complete incomprehension of the U.S. military as a as a national defense force, not his personal preferences for grandstanding an issue.

But Rep. Dan Crenshaw, Republican of Texas, noted how many in his party have become accustomed to the military's deployment to combat illegal immigration and drug trafficking.

I think we agree with what fixes the border, he said.




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