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Key takeaways from Donald Trump's Coachella rally

Key takeaways from Donald Trump's Coachella rally
Key takeaways from Donald Trump's Coachella rally


Former President Donald Trump traveled to California's Coachella Valley on Saturday to hold a rally that drew thousands of supporters to the solidly blue state.

The rally, held at Calhoun Ranch on the outskirts of Coachella and Indio, offered a glimpse into Trump's campaign strategy as he seeks to challenge Vice President Kamala Harris on his home turf in of the next elections.

Trump took the stage at 5:30 p.m. PST, a little later than scheduled, to the familiar tunes of Lee Greenwood's “God Bless the USA.”

While Trump campaigned in California, Harris was noticeably absent from her home state. Instead, she traveled to North Carolina, a crucial swing state, where she met with black community leaders and helped with hurricane relief efforts.

Trump wasted no time addressing the excited crowd, which the Riverside County Fire Marshal estimated could accommodate up to 15,000 people.

As temperatures soared above 95 degrees, Trump jokingly polled the audience on whether they should don his iconic “Make America Great Again” hat or show off his famous hairstyle. Opting for practicality, he put on the cap, noting: “This sun is hot!”

Here are some key takeaways from today's rally:

Immigration takes center stage

Throughout his speech, Trump addressed several key issues, with immigration and border security taking center stage. He ranked the border as the main issue facing the country, placing it above economic concerns.

Trump criticized the current administration's handling of immigration policies, saying, “I think the border is the priority, because you know, we can fix the things we can do, but what they did to our country on the border is incredible. »

The former president reiterated his controversial “Aurora” mass expulsion plan at the rally. Trump, who previously named the plan after Aurora, Colorado, where he said the program would begin, has pledged to radically tackle immigration issues if elected in November.

“I will save Coachella and every city that has been invaded and conquered,” Trump told his supporters, echoing his previous statements about Aurora. He called Election Day “a day of liberation in America,” promising swift action on immigration.

The “Aurora” plan, as presented by Trump, includes the deployment of “elite squads” from Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Border Patrol and other federal law enforcement agencies to locate and deport undocumented immigrants.

Trump also reiterated his call for tough penalties, including the death penalty for undocumented immigrants convicted of killing U.S. citizens or law enforcement officers.

California's environmental policies under fire

The former president also attacked California's environmental policies, particularly the state's plan to phase out gasoline-powered vehicles by 2035.

Trump called it a “insane electric vehicle mandate” and vowed to block the initiative if elected, although he did not specify how he would do it.

He criticized the state's energy infrastructure, rhetorically asking, “Isn't it crazy that you have brownouts, blackouts every weekend, every day?”

While mentioning his friendship with Tesla CEO Elon Musk, Trump acknowledged his appreciation for electric vehicles but suggested they were aimed at a specific market.

Inaccurate claims about wars and tax cuts

Trump made several inaccurate claims during his speech. He falsely stated that there had been no wars under his administration, ignoring ongoing conflicts such as Russia's occupation of Ukraine's Donbass region and the deaths of at least 65 serving soldiers. active during hostile actions during his presidency.

Additionally, Trump falsely claimed that his administration passed the largest tax cut in American history.

In fact, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act championed by Trump ranks as the eighth largest tax cut since 1918 as a percentage of gross domestic product, according to a 2017 analysis by the Committee for a Budget responsible federal government.

Hollywood support

The rally was attended by prominent supporters, including actor Dennis Quaid, who received a standing ovation from the crowd of MAGA supporters.

The actor, who recently played former President Ronald Reagan in a new biopic, drew parallels between the two Republican presidents and expressed support for Trump's policies.

“I’m here to tell you it’s time to pick a side,” Quaid said. “Are we going to be a nation that defends the Constitution or one that defends TikTok? A nation that respects law and order or wide open borders?”

He shared that Reagan was his favorite president of the 20th century and Trump his favorite of the 21st.

Quaid also spoke about immigration, sharing a personal anecdote about his family employing a housekeeper who was an illegal immigrant fearing deportation under Trump. He explained how he became her sponsor, saying, “She has her green card today, but she still wants her citizenship so she can vote for Donald Trump.” »

Trump's chances in the California election

Despite California's strong Democratic lean, Trump's appearance underscores the state's importance in the electoral landscape.

With 5.5 million registered Republican voters, California remains a valuable source of GOP support and campaign contributions.

A recent University of California, Berkeley poll shows Harris leading Trump by 22 points statewide, with 57% of the vote against Trump.

However, the race appears much closer in certain regions, notably in the Inland Empire where the rally took place. There, Trump is trailing by only two points, which is well within the poll's margin of error.

Republican presidential candidate, former U.S. President Donald Trump, takes the stage for a campaign rally October 12, 2024 in Coachella, California. With 24 days until Election Day, former President Donald Trump takes a detour… Republican presidential candidate, former US President Donald Trump, takes the stage for a campaign rally on October 12, 2024 at Coachella , in California. With 24 days until Election Day, former President Donald Trump is taking a detour through key states to hold the rally in the home state of Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic presidential nominee. (Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images) More

Newsweek reached out to Trump's campaign via email on Saturday for comment.




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