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Boris Johnson slams Labor Party for 'freeing pedophiles from prison while locking up social media assholes'

Boris Johnson slams Labor Party for 'freeing pedophiles from prison while locking up social media assholes'
Boris Johnson slams Labor Party for 'freeing pedophiles from prison while locking up social media assholes'


BORIS Johnson has blasted the Government for releasing pedophiles from prison while locking up idiots who say stupid things on Twitter.

The former Prime Minister called for tougher sentences for sex offenders like former BBC presenter Huw Edwards.

Boris Johnson blasted Labor government for 'freeing pedophiles from prison while locking up Twitter morons'


Boris Johnson blasted Labor government for 'freeing pedophiles from prison while locking up Twitter morons'Credit: Peter Jordan
The former Prime Minister called for tougher sentences for sex offenders like former BBC newsreader Huw Edwards.


The former Prime Minister called for tougher sentences for sex offenders like former BBC newsreader Huw Edwards.Credit: Dan Charity

He said: What they are doing is fueling a trade that dehumanizes and seriously harms the most vulnerable people.

Asked on Never Mind The Ballots if he thought there was two-tier policing in this country, Mr Johnson said: I certainly think people need to look at some of the priorities.

Labor releasing criminals to reduce prison overcrowding was not the right thing to do.

He continues: Especially if you're going after people, weirdos, for saying weird things on Twitter. This does not seem to be the right priority for the criminal justice system.


Last month, experts blasted the “ridiculous decision to let Huw Edwards escape prison and raised concerns about two-tiered justice in the courts”.

Edwards had avoided jail at Westminster Magistrates Court and was given a six-month suspended sentence and two years.

Kemi Bedenoch also criticized Edwards for avoiding prison, seeing it as two-tiered justice – and called for an urgent review of sentencing rules.

Jim Gamble, the former head of the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Command Center at the NationalCrimeAgency, also criticized the conviction after widespread outrage.

Speaking to Aasmah Mirand, Stig Abellhe said: “If Edwards came to your house tonight and said, look, I tell you what, you go to the movies tonight and I'll look after your young children, would you let him- you? Because that’s the question.

“You know, if you're not going to let him watch your kids, why would you let him take care of or take care of someone else's kids? So I think it's time we realize that .

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“These are not abstract images. These are images of children being brutalized and raped.”

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