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Donald Trump may have violated another federal lawLegal analyst

Donald Trump may have violated another federal lawLegal analyst
Donald Trump may have violated another federal lawLegal analyst


Donald Trump may have violated another federal law after it was reported that he and Russian President Vladimir Putin continued to interact after the former president left office, attorney and legal analyst Glenn Kirschner said Saturday .

Journalist Bob Woodward's new book, War, alleges that Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, and Putin have had as many as seven phone calls since early 2021 and that the former president asked an aide to leave the room to so that they can speak.

The book, obtained by CNN ahead of its Oct. 15 release, draws on hundreds of hours of first-hand interviews and highlights newly reported details of high-stakes confrontations during the Trump and Joe Biden presidencies.

Responding to the revelations Tuesday morning, Trump communications director Steven Cheung told Newsweek via email that Woodward's book belonged in a “bargain bin.”

“None of these stories made up by Bob Woodward are true and are the work of a truly demented and deranged man who suffers from a debilitating case of Trump Derangement Syndrome,” Cheung said.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov also told Bloomberg in a written statement Wednesday that if Trump sent Putin COVID-19 testing materials in 2020, which was another allegation in Woodward's book, he denied the information regarding the phone calls from the two men.

Asked about the alleged shipment of COVID-19 tests to Russia, Trump told ABC News on Wednesday that the claim was “false.”

Kirschner, a former assistant U.S. attorney and frequent Trump critic, spoke in a YouTube video Saturday about the reported phone calls and whether it violates the Logan Act, a federal law that prohibits citizens from engaging without authorization in diplomatic relations with foreign governments in dispute with the United States

“A violation of the Logan Act carries up to three years in prison. So yes, we all want to know: Did Donald Trump violate the Logan Act? And here is the answer. He may have done,” Kirschner said.

He added: “And the reason I have to phrase it that way is because what we know, based on Bob Woodward's blockbuster new reporting… there are reports that Donald Trump has had up to 'seven phone calls, private phone calls with Vladimir Putin That's the sticking point right now, the devils in the details, which we have no report on, that's precisely what's implied. these telephone conversations.

Kirschner said that “based on the evidence reported, there is sufficient evidence of a potential crime that the FBI can and should open an investigation into the nature of these phone calls.”

Newsweek reached out to Trump's spokesperson via email for comment.

Former President Donald Trump is seen October 12 in North Las Vegas. Trump may have violated another federal law after it was reported that he and Russian President Vladimir Putin continued to interact… Former President Donald Trump is seen Oct. 12 in North Las Vegas. Trump may have violated another federal law after it was reported that he and Russian President Vladimir Putin continued to interact after the former president left office, attorney and legal analyst Glenn Kirschner said Saturday. More from Ethan Miller/Getty Images

Kirschner is not the first to question whether Trump violated the Logan Act. According to Axios on Tuesday, a spokesperson for Vice President Kamala Harris' campaign said that Trump's engagement in diplomacy outside of government could be illegal under the Logan Act – a view also echoed by former Biden White House adviser Susan Rice on X, formerly Twitter. , Wednesday.

“Furthermore, this would appear to be a violation of the Logan Act. This is exactly what Trump falsely accused John Kerry of. Another apparent Trump crime,” she wrote.

In 2019, Trump accused Kerry, secretary of state under former President Barack Obama, of violating the Logan Act for allegedly participating in negotiations with Iran, including private meetings with Iranian officials under the Trump administration to urge Tehran to stay in the negotiated Iran nuclear deal. by the Obama administration. Kerry has denied any accusations of wrongdoing and has never been charged.

Despite calls that Trump violated the Logan Act passed in 1799, the law was rarely enforced, according to a 2018 report from the Congressional Research Service.

There were only two prosecutions under the Logan Act, in 1803 and 1853, neither of which resulted in a conviction. Additionally, the law has rarely been used due to questions about its constitutionality, including whether it violates free speech protections, according to the report.




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