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China ready to strengthen alignment of development strategies with Vietnam: Chinese PM

China ready to strengthen alignment of development strategies with Vietnam: Chinese PM
China ready to strengthen alignment of development strategies with Vietnam: Chinese PM


China ready to strengthen alignment of development strategies with Vietnam: Chinese PM

Chinese Premier Li Qiang talks with Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh in Hanoi, Vietnam, October 13, 2024. [Photo/Xinhua]

HANOI, Oct. 13 — China is ready to strengthen the alignment of its development strategies with Vietnam, implementing the synergy plan of the Belt and Road Initiative with Vietnam's Two Corridors strategy and an Economic Circle, Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang said on Sunday.

Both China and Vietnam are developing countries at a critical stage of their modernization efforts, Li said during his meeting with Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh, adding that China firmly supports Vietnam in pursuing a path of socialism suited to its national conditions.

Li reaffirmed China's commitment to continuously improve and strengthen cooperation in various sectors with the Southeast Asian country.

China is ready to deepen cooperation with Vietnam in areas such as connectivity, trade, investment, tourism, healthcare, and disaster prevention and mitigation, as well as expand collaboration in local currency settlement and emerging industries, including digital economy and green development, Li said.

In August, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and President of China, met with To Lam, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam and President of Vietnam, to draw up a plan and give it new vigor . development of Sino-Vietnamese relations, Li said.

China is willing to work with Vietnam to implement the important consensus reached by leaders of the two parties and two countries, maintain high-level communication and continuously enhance mutual trust, Li said.

The Chinese premier also called for upholding the original aspiration of good neighborliness and friendship, strengthening trust in the two countries' respective paths and systems, strengthening solidarity and cooperation, expanding comprehensive strategic cooperation and to deepen the construction of a Sino-Vietnamese community with a common future which is of strategic importance.

Li urged the two countries to take the opportunity of the 75th anniversary of their diplomatic relations and the Year of China-Vietnam People's Exchanges, which will take place next year, to further deepen cultural and people-to-people exchanges. peoples, mutual understanding between the two peoples, especially between younger generations, and advance the cause of China-Vietnam friendship.

Li urged the two sides to stick to the principle of friendly consultations, properly handle disputes and expand maritime cooperation.

China is ready to work with Vietnam to strengthen coordination and cooperation with Vietnam on multilateral platforms such as the UN and APEC, strive for more just and rational global governance, safeguard the interests of countries developing and playing a leading role in building the global economy. a community with a shared future for humanity.

Pham, for his part, said Vietnam and China enjoy close relations of comrades and brothers and their traditional friendship is growing stronger and stronger.

Developing relations with China is a top priority and strategic choice for Vietnam's party and government, Pham said, emphasizing that China is the only country that encompasses all of Vietnam's foreign policy priorities.

Vietnam respects the one-China principle and supports China's development and growth, as well as the series of global initiatives proposed by President Xi, Pham said. He thanked China for its long-term support and assistance to his country.

Next year will mark the 75th anniversary of Vietnam-China diplomatic relations, Pham noted, saying that guided by the important consensus reached by leaders of the two parties and countries, Vietnam is ready to strengthen high-level exchanges and strengthen the synergy of development strategies with China. .

He also pledged to advance cooperation with China in finance, investment, agriculture and science and technology, accelerate connectivity in transport infrastructure, explore new models such as cross-border economic cooperation zones, to expand collaboration in emerging sectors such as the digital economy and green development. as well as strengthening exchanges in the fields of education, tourism and youth exchanges.

Vietnam is also willing to strengthen multilateral coordination with China to safeguard the common interests of developing countries, Pham said.

He called on the two countries to implement the high-level consensus of the two parties and two countries, properly handle differences through friendly consultations, and jointly safeguard maritime peace and stability.

Following the talks, Li and Pham witnessed the exchange of cooperation documents in various fields, including connectivity, agricultural products, customs, finance, human resources, media and education.

During Li's official visit to Vietnam, the two countries are also expected to issue a joint statement.

Chinese Premier Li Qiang talks with Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh in Hanoi, Vietnam, October 13, 2024. [Photo/Xinhua]




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