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Pakistani Deputy PM urges Imran Khan's party to withdraw October 15 protest in Islamabad

Pakistani Deputy PM urges Imran Khan's party to withdraw October 15 protest in Islamabad
Pakistani Deputy PM urges Imran Khan's party to withdraw October 15 protest in Islamabad


ANI | Updated: October 14, 2024 at 08:20 IST

Islamabad [Pakistan]October 14 (ANI): Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Pakistan Ishaq Dar has called on the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) to withdraw its October 15 protest call in “more national interest wide,” Geo News reported. Dar's remarks come as Pakistan is all set to hold the meeting of the Council of Heads of Government (CHG) of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), which will be held on October 15-16 in Islamabad. Addressing reports following his visit to review arrangements for the upcoming SCO meeting, Dar said for the sake of politics, it was not good for a political party that had repeated the activities of 2014 Due to PTI protests, Chinese President Xi Jinping's visit was postponed. Ishaq Dar said that PTI had already crossed all red lines in the past and targeted state institutions and urged the party leaders to rectify their wrong decision. He said several countries had requested bilateral meetings on the sidelines of the SCO meeting, which were finalized. Dar's remarks came after the PTI announced that it would hold a protest at Islamabad's D-Chowk on October 15, the day the SCO summit began, ARY News reported. When asked if Afghanistan was invited to attend the SCO meeting, Dar said that country's observer status had been virtually suspended since 2021, as Afghanistan had neither been invited or participated in SCO meetings. He said Pakistan could not decide whether to invite Afghanistan. alone, since decisions within the SCO forum were taken by the member states. He further said that Pakistan was ready to host the SCO meeting and would take full responsibility, according to Geo News.

Talking about North-South and South-South connectivity, the Pakistani Deputy Prime Minister said discussions with relevant countries were ongoing and continuing at bilateral and multilateral levels. He further said that under the SCO, certain issues would be discussed under a specific framework. scope of the discussions and its contours. He said the entire region needed integration and peace and termed it as the main objective of Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) leaders, including former Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif , according to the Geo News report. He said the issue was also included in the PML-N manifesto. He spoke of the government's efforts to reduce inflation ahead of next year's target. The PTI announced a protest after the party's political committee meeting. In an article on He said PTI protests in Punjab had been called off and called for PTI's release. workers, leaders and members of the Provincial Assembly (MPA) detained in Punjab, ARY News reported. The party founded by Imran Khan has called for an end to “unlawful” raids and arrests by the federal and Punjab governments. Sheikh Waqas Akram said the PTI president's life is under threat due to the government's actions, which have “deprived” him of his basic human rights. Akram also accused the government of oppression and violence, stressing that the PTI would not back down. He added, “The entire Pakistan will take to the streets on October 15 if Imran Khan is not given access to basic rights, family and party leadership,” the report said. (ANI)




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