UGM PSDK Speaker Fisipol: The implementation of Jokowi's mental revolution program is far from the fire
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – The mental revolution is one of President Joko Widodo's programs or Jokowi at the beginning of his tenure, in 2014. This movement is said to be capable of building national character by changing the way of thinking to be better, independent, characterful and nationalist.
However, during the two periods of his reign, the implementation mental revolution does not work effectively. This condition was highlighted by Maygsi Aldian Suwand, Lecturer in Social Development and Social Protection (PSDK), Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (Fisipol), Gadjah Mada University (UGM).
Maygsi said the mental revolution promoted by President Jokowi at that time was like a fire far from burning.
“If we talk black and white regarding the implementation of the mental revolution, perhaps it is too bad to say that it has failed 100 percent. But with very big ambitions when launching this program and result “What is happening now is that the implementation of the mental revolution is still like a fire far from being lit,” Maygsi said. Tempo.coon Monday October 14, 2024.
This is because the government, as executor, often does not implement it well. Apart from this, the idea of mental revolution is still very common to be applied in politics.
“The idea is still very general and we still don't know where to take it. When integrated into policies at the regional level, it ends up being just jargon-type policy. Then, the mental revolution is still very little implemented in the derived regulations. “Technical advice and technical guidelines on what to do remain problematic,” Maygsi said.
Outside of the government, Maygsi said, the participation of the Indonesian people is still very low to make the mental revolution a success. Society is still perplexed, especially after the pandemic and the 2024 election.
“For example, in the 2014 and 2024 elections, will there be a significant change in people's behavior? he said.
Maygsi explains the ineffective implementation of the mental revolution according to three main concepts. First of allpolitics.
“Politically, how does political education relate to candidate pairs in the 2024 elections? By logicwithout discrediting certain parties, we choose clean candidates, who historical good, which has ideal criteria. However, now let's look at the board, do these candidates fill it? “There are still many former corrupters and there are still those who were re-elected thanks to the dynasty,” he said.
Secondeconomy. According to Maygsi, the implementation of technological innovation between 2014 and 2024 is even less effective. This condition also occurs because people lack self-awareness.
“At the micro level, many young people have difficulty accessing housing. If we associate economic aspects with mental revolution, we also need to be self-aware. The younger generation now spends money on concerts, coffee, etc. and can no longer escape. “In the end, we found that the proposed program did not effectively target the economic aspect,” he said.
Thirdsociocultural. Maygsi examines policy instruments, such as HOLDING ANGER I still haven't demonstrated a mental revolution in myself.
“Has behavior in cyberspace undergone a mental revolution? We take others into account and discrimination exists everywhere. “So from a personal point of view, it’s also a problem,” Maygsi said.
Maygsi emphasized that the mental revolution promoted by President Jokowi has not yet been fully effective. well implemented. Although the ideas of this movement are good, there are still many gaps.
“So the mental revolution has not really taken place. “Even if it happens, it will not happen at different levels as Jokowi hoped at the beginning of his administration,” he said.
Editor's Choice: Jokowi praises mental revolution, what are the results after 10 years of his rule?
Sources 2/ https://nasional.tempo.co/read/1928403/dosen-psdk-fisipol-ugm-implementasi-program-revolusi-mental-jokowi-jauh-panggang-dari-api The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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