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Erdoan criticizes NATO allies as Turkey continues to fuel Israeli war machine

Erdoan criticizes NATO allies as Turkey continues to fuel Israeli war machine


President Recep Tayyip Erdoan criticized the UN Security Council and its NATO allies after Israeli forces invading Lebanon attacked the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL).

The image of the UN, which cannot even protect its own personnel, is a source of shame and worry for the international system, Erdoan said on Monday on X, adding: Can you believe it? Israeli tanks enter the UNIFIL zone, attack peacekeepers, even injuring some of them, but the UN Security Council decides to observe all this criminality from its stands. This is what we call helplessness, capitulation in the face of Israeli aggression.

In this month of February. Jan. 5, 2020 file photo of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan holds up a sign with a series of maps of historic Palestine, the 1947 United Nations partition plan for Palestine, the 1948-1967 borders between the Palestinian territories and Israel and a current map of Palestine. Palestinian territories without zones or settlements annexed by Israel, during a speech to parliament in Ankara, Turkey. [AP Photo/Burhan Ozbilici]

Despite Erdo's rhetorical criticism of Israel and the imperialist powers that support it, new data emerging in recent weeks shows that Turkey's trade with Israel, which it officially declared halted, continues indirectly . This situation reveals not only the hypocrisy of the Erdoan government, but also the dependence and complicity of the Turkish bourgeoisie towards imperialism.

Despite widespread social opposition, the Erdoan government stubbornly continued to trade with Israel until last May. However, after its defeat in the local elections on March 31, the government, realizing that it had lost its social legitimacy, declared that it had officially cut off trade with Israel and increased its criticism of Israel and its imperialist allies.

According to foreign trade data for August 2024, released by the Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) late last month, trade with Israel appears to have stopped in May, as announced by the government. However, the dramatic increase in trade with Palestine during the same period reinforces claims that trade with Israel continues indirectly.

According to TurkStat data, trade with Palestine, in the midst of a period of genocide and destruction, increased more than tenfold in July and August. Among the products that saw the largest increase were steel exports, vital to Israel's arms and defense industries. In August, steel exports to Palestine increased by 119,695 percent, from $17,000 to $20.5 million.

[Photo: TK (TurkStat)]




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