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Harris, Trump hold competing rallies in MichiganExBulletin

Harris, Trump hold competing rallies in MichiganExBulletin


Democratic presidential candidate Vice President Harris campaigns in Waterford, Michigan, on Friday. Harris made numerous stops in the state as former President Donald Trump held a rally in Detroit. Early voting begins Saturday in Michigan. Spencer Platt/Getty Images .

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DETROIT/OAKLAND COUNTY, Michigan With 17 days until voting ends in the 2024 presidential election, in a race that could not be tighter, Donald Trump and Vice President Harris campaigned in a state where they focused on the future of American manufacturing and denigrated each other. office skills.

While the two candidates have been crisscrossing the swing states for weeks, this is the first time they have literally crossed paths, each of them organizing events in the northern suburbs of Detroit. Early voting in Michigan, one of seven swing states that play a crucial role in both candidates' paths to the White House, begins Saturday.

At a rally on the banks of a river in Grand Rapids, Michigan, on Friday afternoon, Harris said Trump made big promises and still didn't keep them. Grand Rapids is the Kent County seat, home of former Republican President Gerald Ford and a traditional Republican stronghold that Democrats managed to capture last cycle. The community is considered an indicator of the state.

Remember how he said he was the only one, you know how he talks, the only one who could bring back jobs to American manufacturing? » Harris said. Then America lost nearly 200,000 American manufacturing jobs when he was president, including tens of thousands of jobs right here in Michigan.

Former President Trump, Republican presidential candidate, at his campaign rally Friday in Detroit. Win McNamee/Getty Images .

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Trump, at an economic roundtable in Oakland County, heard from small business owners and police officers about what they said was the deteriorating condition of their communities.

After a meandering preamble that floated the idea of ​​a Venezuela crime summit and mocked former Republican Sen. Pat Toomey's opposition to tariffs aimed at limiting free trade, Trump concluded the roundtable by complimenting a man wearing a Teamsters shirt and saying, “We're going to turn back a lot of industries and it's going to be great.”

Oakland County was once a Republican stronghold, but it has voted Democratic since 1996. The Harris campaign sees opportunity to grow there by broadening support among college-educated voters and women disenchanted with Trump.

Later, Trump's rally in Detroit was plagued by technical difficulties. His microphone cut out and he paced around the stage for about 20 minutes before the sound was restored. In his remarks, Trump said that under his administration, the United States would reclaim its stolen wealth and the days of its economic glory would return bigger and stronger than ever. It was a change from his previous remarks about the city when he said last week: “Our whole country will end up looking like Detroit if she (Harris) is your president.” » These remarks sparked widespread reaction in the region.

Manufacturing was the topic, but mental health made headlines

Both candidates found time to criticize each other over their perceived fitness for office.

Harris said Trump was avoiding debates and canceling interviews, citing news reports quoting unnamed Trump aides as saying he was exhausted. Well, if you're burned out on the campaign trail, it raises real questions about whether you're fit for the world's toughest job, she said.

In response, Trump staunchly defended his schedule, saying he was exalted and calling Harris not a smart person.

In Lansing, Harris campaigned among union workers, listing auto plant closures that occurred during the Trump administration and highlighting a Biden administration subsidy that had saved about 650 auto jobs in Lansing.

Harris pointed out that Trump's running mate, JD Vance, called the grant leftovers during a recent campaign stop in Detroit.

She aired a series of negative comments from Trump about the United Auto Workers.

We need to get the message out to all the brothers and sisters in labor and remind them what this guy does, what he actually does, Harris said.

Union workers are not part of his club. Let's be clear about this. It doesn't matter what he does at his rallies, she said. He thinks the value of your work is essentially meaningless.




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