Striving to get Imran out of jail, US-based Pakpac backs Trump in polls
Former US President Donald Trump (right) pictured alongside PTI founder and former Prime Minister Imran Khan. The White House/File
WASHINGTON: The Pakistan-American Public Affairs Committee (Pakpac) has announced that it will support Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump for the upcoming US elections, unlike the Democrats.
We are proud to support Donald Trump in the 2024 presidential election, said the pseudonym Packpac published on U.S.-Pakistan relations, secure the release of all political prisoners unjustly imprisoned in Pakistan, and work to reverse Pakistan's dangerous democratic backsliding.
Pakpac, according to its own website, educates Pakistani Americans about pressing political debates and provides them with a unique platform to influence those debates. He takes credit for the famous US House of Representatives Resolution 901, passed on June 25, which expressed support for democracy and human rights in Pakistan. The bill urged Pakistan to defend democratic institutions and human rights, and called on the US president to work with Pakistan to defend democracy, human rights and the rule of law.
In recent weeks, Pakpac has once again stepped up its efforts to bring out imprisoned PTI leader Imran Khan, urging its members and others to call their officials in Congress and urge them to press Biden to take action against Pakistan. The appeal further states that despite the adoption of the resolutions, political imprisonments remain, the administration has not taken any action and the state of democratic freedom in Pakistan continues to deteriorate.
Late last month, Pakpac also hosted a Day on the Hill for Pakistan Democracy, inviting activists to brief members of Congress and their staff on the perilous situation for democracy in Pakistan.
In the statement of support for Trump posted on social media, the Pakpac National Board of Directors said: During his presidency, Donald Trump met with the democratically elected Prime Minister of Pakistan during his visit to the United States, thus promoting dialogue between the two nations, and this American. officials traveled to Pakistan for direct talks. He said these are efforts we haven't seen under the Biden/Harris administration.
In contrast, the Biden/Harris administration has not demonstrated the same commitment to bilateral relations. Under President Biden, the Pakistani government was pushed into a legislative coup against Pakistan's popular and democratically elected prime minister, and the administration has done nothing since to secure the release of the former prime minister and other political prisoners, states the Pakpac press release. The former prime minister was removed from office after a motion of no confidence against him in Parliament in April 2022.
The statement further states that after continued discussions with the Harris campaign, we are concerned that these policies will persist under a Harris presidency, which would further strain relations between our two nations. We believe Mr. Trump's leadership will foster stronger diplomatic and economic ties and ensure that Pakistani-American interests are represented at the highest levels of government, the statement concluded.
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