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PM Modi in Varanasi today to unveil 6,100-crore Diwali gift, inaugurate several projects

PM Modi in Varanasi today to unveil 6,100-crore Diwali gift, inaugurate several projects


Prime Minister Narendra Modi will visit Varanasi, his parliamentary constituency, on Sunday to unveil several airport projects valued at more than 6,100 million. He will inaugurate the RJ Sankara Eye Hospital around 2 p.m., which will provide comprehensive consultations and treatment for various eye conditions.

Later, around 4:15 p.m., he will inaugurate and lay the foundation stone of several development projects in Varanasi, YEARS reported.

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An official statement said that as part of his commitment to improving connectivity, Prime Minister Modi would lay the foundation stone of several projects at Varanasi's Lal Bahadur Shastri International Airport, including expansion of the airport's runway , a new terminal and other allied projects. works, totaling approximately 2,870 million.

Additionally, it will lay the foundation stone of a new civil enclave at Agra Airport, valued at over 570 crore, along with projects at Darbhanga Airport worth around 910 crore and Bagdogra airport is worth approx. 1,550 million.

The Prime Minister will inaugurate the new terminals of Rewa Airport, Maa Mahamaya Airport, Ambikapur Airport and Sarsawa Airport worth over 220 million.

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The combined passenger handling capacity of these airports will increase to over 2.3 crore passengers per year, the statement said.

The design of the airports will reflect elements inspired by the heritage structures of the region. In line with his vision of high-quality sports infrastructure, Prime Minister Modi will inaugurate phases 2 and 3 of the redevelopment of Varanasi Sports Complex, worth over 210 crore and funded under the Khelo India program and the Smart City Mission.

This redevelopment aims to create a state-of-the-art sports complex including a National Center of Excellence, player hostels, sports science center, training grounds for various sports, indoor shooting ranges and sports arenas combat. Additionally, he will inaugurate 100-bed hostels for girls and boys and a public pavilion at the Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar Sports Stadium in Lalpur.

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The Prime Minister will inaugurate tourism development works in Buddhism-related areas in Sarnath. These improvements include the construction of pedestrian-friendly streets, new sewer lines and improved drainage systems, and curated vending areas with modern, designer vending carts to promote local craft vendors, among others. .

The Prime Minister will also inaugurate several other initiatives such as tourism development works at Banasur and Gurudham temples and beautification and redevelopment of parks.

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Speaking about the Prime Minister's visit here, Varanasi Commissioner Kaushal Raj Sharma said: Prime Minister Narendra Modi will address a program in Varanasi on October 20. He will lay the first stone of several projects; he will also address the public… He will lay the foundation stone of 23 projects from Varanasi.

(With contribution from agencies)

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