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Pragmatism, a more realistic option for the UK's China policy

Pragmatism, a more realistic option for the UK's China policy


Illustration: Xia Qing/GT

Illustration: Xia Qing/GT

Britain's top diplomat was not going to be able to repair his country's relations with China in a single, brief visit last weekend, but, as the saying goes, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a only not. Foreign Minister David Lammy appeared ready to take this first step during his trip to Beijing. Only time will tell if this first tentative step will take both countries to a welcome destination.

Lammy and his government stressed that Britain's critical attitude towards China on political issues such as Russia and human rights had not changed. What seems different is the tone of engagement. While former Prime Minister Rishi Sunak called China a “historic” security challenge and the UK's economic “biggest state threat”, the new Labor government appears keen on positive interaction. The results of Lammy's meetings with Chinese officials pointedly repeated the word “pragmatic.”

During Lammy's trip, no one expected London and Beijing to agree on everything. In the past, Lammy had been outspoken in his criticism of China, and he was never going to change his mind just to ensure his trip went smoothly. But he also showed pragmatism.

Before Lammy's visit, there was a somewhat encouraging acknowledgment of China's sensitivities regarding the key topic of the Taiwan question. His office in London had requested the postponement of the trip to the United Kingdom by Taiwan's former regional leader, Tsai Ing-wen. This small gesture made his task easier. Furthermore, it is a welcome recognition of Beijing's position that the Taiwan issue is a sensitive internal issue. It is also encouraging that Britain has decided not to join its European and American allies in imposing tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles, which serves the interests of both China and Britain.

The UK's view echoes former Prime Minister David Cameron's realistic approach, which balanced differences with areas of agreement. That has changed since 2020, when then-Prime Minister Boris Johnson bowed to US pressure and reversed decisions allowing Huawei's involvement in the UK's 5G network rollout. Soon, allegations of espionage, human rights abuses and cyberhacking were systematically leveled against China. Successive prime ministers have indulged in ill-informed and clumsy anti-China rhetoric.

Britain's new Labor government appears to recognize that it is time to change course. In a political pamphlet written in March last year for the self-styled socialist organization Fabian Society, Lammy observed: “We no longer live in a unipolar world defined by the UK's most important bilateral ally, the United States. become multipolar. ” In the document, he criticized Chinese policies, but he also spoke about prioritizing diplomacy in Britain's engagement with the world.
He also said: “Our strategy will be based on the 'three Cs': compete, challenge and, where we can, cooperate. We also recognize that it is important for the UK to engage with China where it is in our interests to do so – whether that is on climate. change, trade or global health. The Labor administration has now commissioned a government-wide audit into the UK's relationship with China.

Last week, Britain's Secretary of State for Business and Trade, Jonathan Reynolds, said the UK “needs more engagement with China”. Rachel Reeves, the new Chancellor of the Exchequer of the United Kingdom, is reportedly considering a trip to China early next year. China is one of the UK's largest trading partners. So it's hard to see how she can afford not to engage. The new British government has repeatedly stated that growth is the answer to the UK's current economic problems. This cannot be achieved without deeper engagement with China. If diplomatic and political rapprochement leads to increased trade with China, this would be a welcome development for both countries.

During his meeting with Lammy, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, also a member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, said: “China-British relations… are now at a new starting point.” After a few years of unpredictability, the time has come for stability. The word “pragmatic” doesn’t sound as glamorous as “golden,” but it may be more realistic.

The author is a journalist and lecturer in Great Britain. [email protected]




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