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Senator Mushahid proposes action for Palestine

Senator Mushahid proposes action for Palestine



Senator Mushahid Hussain Sayed praised the resistance of Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran against Israeli aggression, describing their position as an exemplary model of “might is not right, but right is might.” .

He also praised the leadership of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, calling him the “lion of the Muslim world,” while congratulating him on his recent election victory.

Senator Mushahid made the remarks during his opening speech at the “World Conference on Palestine” in Ankara, at the invitation of President Erdogan's AKP party. The conference, with Erdogan as the chief guest, saw more than 1,000 participants from more than 50 countries come together in solidarity.

As a member of the executive council of Istanbul's “Al Quds Parliament” and co-chair of the International Conference of Asian Political Parties (ICAPP), Mushahid also condemned Israel for committing what he called “the first televised genocide of history.”

He took aim at Western powers for their double standards in their support for Israel, while expressing disappointment at the failure of some Muslim regimes to act, attributing their inaction either to fear or opportunism.

In his action plan, Mushahid first called on President Erdogan to lead an international delegation of leaders from the South, including Pakistan, Indonesia, Malaysia, South Africa, Algeria and Brazil, to go to Washington after the American presidential elections on November 5.

Their mission would be to urge the new American president to reevaluate the unilateral American policy of unequivocal support for Israel.

Second, Senator Mushahid proposed that Turkey, Pakistan and Indonesia form a joint naval flotilla for peace and humanitarian aid. Authorized by the United Nations General Assembly, this flotilla was to deliver essential supplies to Gaza, which he called “the world's largest open-air prison”, thereby breaking the Israeli blockade.

“This will send a powerful and positive message to the oppressed Palestinian people that the Muslim Ummah is not a powerless entity, but rather has the vision and political will to undertake concrete initiatives.”

Third, Mushahid called for the revival of the 2019 Global Media Initiative, led by Erdogan and Malaysia's Dr. Mahathir, to counter Western media bias in crises like Gaza.

He highlighted the need for journalists, academics and intellectuals to champion Southern narratives on issues such as Palestine, Kashmir, Islamophobia and the Rohingya.

This initiative, he stressed, could lay the foundations for a fair world order based on justice and the rule of law.

He added that the sacrifices of the people of Palestine and Lebanon and the blood of the martyrs of Palestine and Kashmir would not be in vain.

Mushahid concluded his speech by invoking the Latin maxim “Carpe Diem” (seize the moment), emphasizing the need for immediate action.




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