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Rallying cry to vote JenrickSave our party and bring back Boris and Jacob – Conservative Post

Rallying cry to vote JenrickSave our party and bring back Boris and Jacob – Conservative Post


In a passionate letter to Conservative Party readers, we call on party members to support Robert Jenrick in the upcoming leadership contest.

Highlighting his bold vision for reform, including returning power to the membership and addressing key national challenges, a letter from our editor explains why Robert Jenrick is the candidate to unite the party and secure future victory.

Dear readers,

Our great party finds itself at a crossroads. After suffering the worst defeat in our history, it would be too easy to fall into despair. But fear not, fellow conservatives, for there is hope on the horizon: hope for change, for reform, and the chance to restore our party to its rightful place at the helm of this great nation.

At the Conservatory Post, we are issuing a rallying cry, a call to arms for every MP to support the only candidate with the audacity, vision and courage to move us forward. That man, dear readers, is Robert Jenrick.

Why Robert? Because he is the only candidate with the courage to do what is necessary: ​​change CCHQ and give power back to you, the members! No more centralized control, no more anonymous bureaucrats selecting your candidates. Under Roberts' leadership, MPs will choose who represents Parliament, putting you back at the heart of our democracy.

And here is the real masterstroke. Robert announced that Jacob Rees-Mogg would be his party chairman. Yes, the man with unwavering conviction, ready to carry out party reform and empower you, the members. It's about time, isn't it?

Robert is the man who will unite our party, bring us together and provide serious, conservative answers to the enormous challenges we face. And here is the decisive argument: Robert will bring Boris back! Yes, you heard me correctly. The same Boris Johnson who is, without a doubt, one of the best campaigners in the history of our party. Star, colossus, the man who delivered Brexit, Boris has his place on the field, not on the bench.

Robert Jenrick knows what it takes to defeat this chaotic Labor government in five years and hold it to account in the meantime. His stance on illegal migration is bold and unapologetic. He recognizes that to stop the boats, we must leave the European Convention on Human Rights, which allows us to properly deal with dangerous foreign criminals. His plan to deport 100,000 illegal migrants in a year by suspending aid and visas to uncooperative countries is the kind of practical, pragmatic thinking we need.

And when it comes to legal migration, Robert, just as he did in government, will reduce the numbers. A binding ceiling set by Parliament at tens of thousands or less. This is the kind of clear, focused leadership we need to put Britain first.

When it comes to the economy, he knows the way forward is to improve the lives of our own people by prioritizing cheap, reliable energy, moving people off welfare and back to meaningful work, and focusing on real skills, and not on these low-value diplomas which do little more than annoy our young people. with debts. By slashing the welfare bill, Robert explained how we can shave 2p off the real income tax savings for hard-working Brits.

As for the NHS, Robert knows it is a public service to be reformed and not a sacred cow to be worshipped. He has the courage to speak the truth where others hesitate.

And make no mistake, Robert will take the fight directly to Labor and that meandering, two-speed flip-flopping Keir Starmer, whose government, if you can believe it, is already mired in sordidness. The polls are clear: Robert Jenrick is the best candidate to win back the voters we lost to Reform on the right and Labor on the left.

So I say to you, dear conservative colleagues: VOTE for Robert Jenrick. The very future of our party and even our country is at stake. Let's bring back the man who will bring the change we desperately need.

Yours sincerely, Claire Bullivant, Editor




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