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Prime Minister Narendra Modi virtually inaugurates Rewa Airport

Prime Minister Narendra Modi virtually inaugurates Rewa Airport


Prime Minister Narendra Modi virtually inaugurated the new Rewa Airport from Banaras, making Rewa the sixth airport in the state.

In his speech, Prime Minister Modi highlighted the accelerated pace of development in the country, which is now progressing three times faster than before. He noted that within just 125 days of the formation of the new government, work has started on programs and projects exceeding Rs 15 lakh crore in value, with majority of the budget being spent to benefit the poor, farmers and youth . A massive campaign is underway to build infrastructure across the country, including highways, new rail lines and new airports.

This effort is not only about building with bricks, stones and iron, but about improving the comfort of citizens and creating employment opportunities for young people. The number of airports in India has more than doubled from just 70 in 2014 to more than 150 today and many older airports are also being renovated.

Chief Minister Mohan Yadav remarked that Prime Minister Narendra Modi had given the people of Vindhya a major gift for Diwali even before the festival. The inauguration of Rewa Airport will open new avenues for the development of the region, transforming both its landscape and its future. Vindhya has abundant natural resources and all the essential elements for its growth, but its development has been stalled for years. Lack of attention from previous governments hampered Vindhya's progress. However, targeted efforts are now being made to stimulate its development. In 1993, Rewa did not even have railway facilities, but today it has an airport. Additionally, a highway connecting Rewa to Bhopal will be constructed soon.

Yadav said Prime Minister Narendra Modi was working with great enthusiasm on the national defense and development fronts and his bold leadership was filling the nation with pride. The defiance displayed by neighboring countries once is no longer possible today, thanks to the courage of Prime Minister Modi, which has even extended to striking enemies on their own soil. More than 200 countries across the world are looking forward to Prime Minister Modi. It was his courage that ensured the safe return of Indian students stuck in Ukraine. Dr Yadav also thanked Prime Minister Modi for launching the river linking drive in the state, noting that soon the waters of Rewa would flow back into Rewa itself.

Yadav said the regional industrial conclave was being organized at Rewa on October 23 to accelerate the industrial development of Vindhya. This will enable large-scale investment in the industrial development of the entire region. The creation of industries will provide new employment opportunities. Agriculture and mineral based industries will grow rapidly in Vindhya. There is good potential for the food industry across the division. Container and cargo aircraft facilities will soon be provided to transport goods from Vindhya. Additionally, residents of Vindhya will get air travel for Rs 999. Thanks to the efforts of Prime Minister Modi and the UDAN scheme, even poor people have been able to travel by air.

Yadav said air ambulance and helicopter services have been launched to help critical patients. Critical patients are flown to state-of-the-art hospitals free of charge. Today, on the fasting day of Karva Chauth, Rewa received an airport which doubled the joy of the festivities. 25 airstrips along with 6 airports have been developed in the state. Airstrips will be constructed in every district of the state. The airports will be constructed by developing the airstrips at Ujjain, Shivpuri and Datia.




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