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Haryana polls reinforced expression of stability: PM Modi

Haryana polls reinforced expression of stability: PM Modi


Prime Minister Narendra Modi addresses a gathering during a summit, in New Delhi on October 21, 2024.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi addresses a gathering at a summit, in New Delhi on October 21, 2024. | Photo credit: PTI

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday (October 21, 2024) said that people have sent a message of stability with a mandate to his government for three consecutive terms and claimed to have reinforced this expression of stability in the recent Assembly polls. Haryana.

Addressing a summit in New Delhi, he also said India has a “double advantage in AI” and that when the power of “ambitious India” and “artificial intelligence” combine, it is natural for development to proceed at a rapid pace.

Mr Modi said India was a friend in times of crisis and cited how the country had sent vaccines to many countries during the COVID pandemic.

“India does not take its relations for granted, its relations are based on trust and reliability. When India moves forward, there is no jealousy, but the world is happy because its progress benefits the world “, said the Prime Minister.

“India has been a force for global growth throughout its history, but India experienced slavery and was unable to benefit from industrial revolutions. Today, it is time for Industry 4.0. We are no longer slaves and are ready for this. The country is working towards developing the skills and infrastructure needed for Industry 4.0,” Mr. Modi said.

He said India is a developing country and also a rising power.

“We understand the challenges of poverty and also know how to pave the way for progress. Our government is rapidly developing policies, making decisions and undertaking new reforms,” ​​he said.

India is giving hope to a world immersed in various concerns and is working at an unprecedented scale and speed in all fields, Modi said.

He said several agencies had revised India's growth forecasts due to the speed of work during the third term of his government.

“You will notice the change in India's thinking and approach. Now we do not want to compare past times and rest on our achievements, we are concerned with our goal with a new approach,” he said. he declared.

India is moving forward with a forward-looking approach and the resolution of a Viksit Bharat by 2047 shows this mindset, Mr. Modi said.

“Today, India is one of the youngest countries in the world. The potential of this young country can take us to the heights of the sky,” he said.

Mr Modi said the world's present and future are linked to AI and India has the “power of a double advantage in AI”.

“For the world, AI means artificial intelligence, we have it, but besides that, we also have ambitious India. When the power of ambitious India and artificial intelligence combine, it “It's natural for development to take place at a rapid pace,” he said. , adding that India is increasingly using AI across all sectors.

“The current times of the 21st century are the most important in the history of humanity. There is a need for stability, sustainability and solutions. They are the most important for a better future for humanity and the India is striving to achieve this,” Mr. Modi said.

“In six decades, for the first time, people have given a mandate to a government for three consecutive terms. This is a message of stability. In the recent Haryana elections too, people have reinforced this expression of stability ” he said.

The BJP recently won 48 out of 90 seats in the Haryana polls, securing a mandate for the third time in a row.




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