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Why is Donald Trump lying so blatantly?

Why is Donald Trump lying so blatantly?


When it comes to lying in politics, Donald Trump is in a class by himself. According to the Washington Post, he made 30,573 false or misleading statements during his four years as president, increasing year over year from six per day in his first year to 39 per day in his fourth.

Although other presidents have lied to the public, none have lied like this. Some of Trump's lies are insignificant, and many are self-aggrandizing (no one builds better walls than me). Then there are his most egregious lies, such as that the 2020 presidential election was stolen in a manner blatantly and dangerously contrary to the facts, with serious consequences for the nation and public trust.

And these lies can get through. Research by political scientists Kevin Arceneaux and Roy Truex found that this big lie about stolen elections was very persistent. About 50% of Republican voters believed it, regardless of any evidence to the contrary. The researchers also found that believing this lie boosted Republican supporters' self-esteem because they weren't losers after all.

Politicians who lie can gain a strategic advantage. If you can embellish the truth or construct a new reality, it often tends to be more interesting and engaging than the complicated truth. The truth may be a bit boring and uninteresting; lying can be whatever you want. You know what your audience wants to hear.

Politicians know that lying is part of our daily lives. Psychology research using lie diaries tells us that people lie twice a day on average. Many are harmless lies told for the benefit of others, but some are not so harmless and told for the benefit of the liar himself.

Some people derive considerable pleasure from telling such self-serving lies. Psychologists call this the pleasure of deception. This confuses the recipient of the lie, who expects to detect signs of guilt or anxiety. Instead, all they see is a slight smile of satisfaction. The liar gets away with thinking that a smile can mean anything.

Who likes to lie?

Certain personality types are attracted to these kinds of lies, including those with low empathy, such as narcissists and psychopaths. They don't care about the consequences for the recipient; everything revolves around them.

People usually start lying early in life, between the ages of two and three. Charles Darwin observed it in his own son.

And the ability to lie improves as our cognitive abilities develop. Like any skill, we improve with practice. While many adults still feel guilty when they don't tell the truth, some politicians don't seem to feel guilt, shame, or sadness about lying.

Donald Trump falsely claimed that Ohio immigrants ate cats and dogs. Tell a big lie

Politics was once considered an art. It was the political philosopher Nicolo Machiavelli who, in 1532, wrote: The princes who have done great things have known how to circumvent the intellect of men through cunning. Part of this machine lied. Machiavelli argued that leaders should do whatever it takes to retain power, which could include being a great dissembler.

Politicians can lie by omission and exaggeration, but sometimes, like Trump, they tell big lies. This term was introduced by Adolf Hitler in Mein Kampf, and the concept of the Big Lie was used by the Nazis to justify the persecution of the Jews.

A big lie is often defined as a gross and deliberate distortion of the truth, used in particular as a propaganda tactic. These, it is claimed, have the power to disrupt society.

Political historian Timothy Snyder accused Trump of using the big lie technique to deny the outcome of the 2020 election.

To work, according to Hitler, big lies must also be able to awaken the imagination of the public by appealing to their feelings. They do not address our rational self, but our unconscious, emotional self.

Trump's claim that immigrants are eating cats and dogs in Springfield, Ohio does not appeal to our rational system. It provides us with a vivid image and tries to affect our emotional and unconscious system.

As sociobiologist Robert Trivers has pointed out, lying can give you a distinct evolutionary advantage. Status, wealth, and achievements are important in this great evolutionary battle, the survival of genes, which is why people (including Trump) lie about them. But Trivers says that self-deception can also be evolutionarily advantageous, because if you can convince yourself, it makes you more convincing to others, and therefore more effective.

Maybe Trump was able to convince himself that they were really eating Springfield's dogs and cats. Or maybe he thought: planting the emotional picture is all the faithful need.

Attractive fiction might interest and draw us in, but, as Shakespeare suggests in The Merchant of Venice, many people hope that the truth will eventually come out. The final months of the US election campaign suggest that this is not always true.




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