ASIA/INDONESIA – President Prabowo Subianto takes office as Head of State
ASIA/INDONESIA – President Prabowo Subianto takes office as Head of State
Jakarta (Agenzia Fides) – The new Indonesian Head of State, Prabowo Subianto, officially took office as the country's eighth President, after the transfer of power from outgoing President Joko Widodo.
In his first speech as president, Prabowo promised to eradicate corruption and fight for the country's self-sufficiency in food and energy. Gibran Rakabuming Raka, son of former President Joko Widodo, took over as vice president. Prabowo, who continues to maintain relations with the former president, could appoint Widodo to a leading role on the Presidential Advisory Council (“Wantimpres”), to consolidate support for the still popular Widodo and his supporters. Proabowo's government consists of 48 ministries with a total of more than 100 ministers and state secretaries. Prabowo's executive differs in some respects from that of Joko Widodo, in that some ministries have been split or renamed: for example, the former ministries of education and culture, as well as environment and forests are now separated. In an effort to maintain continuity with the past, the reappointment of Sri Mulyani Indrawati as Minister of Finance is remarkable. A former managing director of the World Bank, Sri Mulyani was involved in reforming the tax system under two presidents before Prabowo. It is he who will implement Prabowo's major programs, such as the one that caused a sensation during the electoral campaign: the announced distribution of free meals to some 83 million children in public schools and to pregnant women to fight against growth problems. This project has already been criticized by those who consider it too expensive, because it will weigh 28 billion dollars on the state budget. According to analysts, Prabowo also shows a general intention to continue Joko Widodo's policies, particularly in the economic field. Given Prabowo's past as a former general and defense minister, analysts predict that many positions will go to military personnel and that his administration will seek to strengthen military capabilities and modernize defense equipment. According to the president's presentation, defense investments will be part of a broader effort to boost economic growth. In foreign policy, Indonesia is expected to assert its role as a founding member of ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations), and the president will seek to increase Indonesia's influence on regional issues and international. The new president's first official trip will be to China, aiming to strengthen trade ties and economic cooperation, while seeking potential investors for Indonesia's new capital Nusantara megaproject, under construction on the island of Borneo. This ambitious project was launched under his predecessor Widodo, and the new president will now have to move it forward, while until now the lack of foreign investment has significantly slowed down the project. (PA) (Agenzia Fides, 10/21/2024)
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