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Why are the Central Park Five pursuing Donald Trump? | Donald Trump News

Why are the Central Park Five pursuing Donald Trump? | Donald Trump News


In 1990, five black and Latino teenagers, Kevin Richardson (14), Raymond Santana (14), Antron McCray (15), Yusef Salaam (15), and Korey Wise (16), known as Central Park Five, were wrongly convicted of after attacking and raping a jogger, Trisha Meili, a 28-year-old white woman, was in a coma for 12 days following the April 1989 incident.

Subsequently exonerated, all five, now in their 50s, find themselves in the middle of another legal battle: On Monday, the five men filed a lawsuit in Pennsylvania against former President Donald Trump, the accusing him of false and defamatory statements he made during his speech. the presidential debate in September with Vice President Kamala Harris. Trump is the Republican nominee in the November election, while Harris is the Democratic Party nominee.

It's the latest chapter in a long saga involving the Central Park Five (now sometimes known as the Exonerated Five) and Trump who once called for their execution in an infamous series of ads.

So what is the latest lawsuit about, how has the Trump campaign responded, and what is Trump's history with the Central Park Five?

Why are the Central Park Five pursuing Trump?

During the September debate, Trump said that at the time of questioning in 1989, the teenagers admitted that they had pleaded guilty. And I said, well, if they pleaded guilty, they would seriously injure a person, ultimately kill them.

However, no one was killed in the 1989 attack. Meili was badly beaten, left in a coma and still suffering from the long-term effects of the attack, but she survived.

Trump was also wrong in claiming that the Central Park Five pleaded guilty: Throughout the trial, they all insisted that they were innocent, as their lawyers emphasized in their trial.

The lawsuit claims Trump's debate comments were made carelessly and with reckless disregard for their falsity.

Four of the Central Park Five said in statements to police during questioning that they were involved in the assault. But many legal experts have accused interrogators at the time of coercing the five young men and, in effect, forcing four of them to falsely confess to attacking and raping Meili.

Their sentences ranged from six to thirteen years.

In 2002, the Central Park Five were exonerated after Matias Reyes, a convicted serial rapist who was already serving a life sentence for unrelated crimes, confessed to the attack on Meilis.

Reyess' DNA matched evidence collected at the crime scene, leading New York State Supreme Court Justice Charles J Tejada to grant a motion to overturn the convictions of the Central Park Five . In 2014, the five men filed a civil suit against the City of New York. The city agreed to a settlement worth $41 million.

In 2016, the men received an additional $3.9 million in a New York State Court of Claims settlement.

What is Trump's history with the Central Park Five?

The attack on Meili sparked widespread outrage and anger: She was found naked and gagged, her skull so badly fractured that her left eye was dislodged from its socket.

Amid frenzied media attention to the case, Trump took out 600-word full-page ads with his byline in The New York Times, Daily News, New York Post and New York Newsday, pleading for the reinstatement of the death penalty.

The ads were titled: Bring back the death penalty. Let's bring back our police!

The ads said: I want to hate these attackers and murderers. They should be forced to suffer, and when they kill, they should be executed for their crimes. They should serve as an example for others to think carefully before committing a crime or act of violence.

Despite abandoning their beliefs, Trump never apologized for these ads.

How did the Trump campaign respond to the new trial?

Shanin Specter, the plaintiffs' attorney, said in a statement that Trump's remarks cast them in a false and harmful light and intentionally inflicted emotional distress on them.

But in a statement, Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung called the lawsuit simply a frivolous lawsuit over election interference. He claimed the lawsuit was intended to distract the American people from the dangerously liberal agenda and failed campaign of Kamala Harris.

Frantic efforts by Lyin Kamala's allies to intervene in the election are going nowhere and President Trump is dominating as he marches toward a historic victory for the American people on Nov. 5, Cheung said, referring to the election date .

Could the lawsuit affect Trump's campaign?

During the recent presidential debate in September and at the Democratic National Convention in August, Harris and her supporters continued to target Trump over his positions regarding the Central Park Five.

At the DNC, civil rights activist Al Sharpton brought the Central Park Five on stage to denounce Trump.

He spent a small fortune on full-page ads calling for the execution of five innocent young teenagers, Sharpton said, referring to the Central Park Five.

Forty-five wanted us dead, Yusef Salaam said at the DNC, referring to Trump, the nation's 45th president. Today we are exonerated because the real perpetrator confessed and the DNA proved it. [Trump] still says he stands by the original guilty verdict. He rejects scientific evidence rather than admit he was wrong.

During the September debate, Harris criticized Trump for the full-page ad he ran in 1989.

Let us remember that this is the same individual who took out a full-page ad in the New York Times calling for the execution of five young, innocent black and Latino boys, the Central Park Five. I took out a full-page ad calling for their execution. Harris said

I think the American people want better than that, want better than that, Harris added.

Yet Trump has for months won record levels of support among black voters, who appear unfazed by criticism of Harris and her campaign. Harris is also performing worse than previous Democratic Party candidates among Latinos.




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