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Trump reprimanded by Arnold Palmer's daughter for flattering golf legends' penis size | US elections 2024

Trump reprimanded by Arnold Palmer's daughter for flattering golf legends' penis size | US elections 2024


Arnold Palmer's daughter claims Donald Trump disrespected her late father's memory by mocking the golf champion's penis size at a campaign rally over the weekend.

The hackneyed locker room anecdotes struck me as disrespectful and inappropriate, Peg Palmer Wears told ABC News on Monday, two days after the former president publicly suggested that her father was well endowed.

Wears added that people coming to these rallies hosted by Trump as he seeks a second presidency deserve to know about his plans. [he] has as candidate. She specifically called on him to respond to some of the threats he has made against the population, an apparent reference to how he recently suggested sending the US military against his political opponents when voters go to the polls during the presidential election on November 5.

These are important issues that people should discuss as they prepare to vote, and using my father to cover the important things just seems unacceptable to me, Wears said.

Trump was speaking to supporters in Palmer's hometown of Latrobe, Pa., on Saturday at a regional airport named after him when the former president suddenly invoked the genitals of the famous golfer, an old acquaintance.

This is a guy who was completely human, Trump noted of Palmer. This man was strong and tough, and when he took a shower with the other pros, they would come out and say, “Oh my God.” It's incredible.

This was not the first time Trump had spoken of Palmer in this way. As Mediaite noted, some editions of the book Trump Confidence Man by New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman recount how the former president was in the Oval Office preparing to hold a rally in Latrobe in 2020 and bragged to the guests for having seen Palmer undress at the venue. country club there.

Trump made a point of mentioning the size of [Palmers] genitals that day, says the book's introduction.

During an appearance on CNN's State of the Union on Sunday, one of Trump's most prominent allies, U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson, repeatedly refused to defend Republican presidential candidates' latest comments on Palmer.

But, appearing on the same news program, a vocal supporter of Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris said Trump's remarks Saturday in Latrobe demonstrated how vague he is on important issues.

Is this the kind of human being we want as president of the United States? asked Bernie Sanders, the independent US senator.

Wears used her chat with ABC on Monday to join those who expressed their disapproval, explaining how she was unimpressed with how Trump appropriated someone he admires to bolster his own picture.

Palmer, whose name also graces an iced tea and lemonade drink, has more than 60 professional golf tournament victories, including seven major titles. He died at age 87 in 2016, just over a month before Trump won the presidency.

Wears told ABC she is an unaffiliated voter in North Carolina, which is one of several swing states that are closely contested and expected to decide the race between Trump and Harris. She told the network she plans to vote in the November election, but declined to reveal who she would vote for.

The Associated Press contributed to this report




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