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Trump's ground game faces new fraud allegations as video shows home hack | US elections 2024

Trump's ground game faces new fraud allegations as video shows home hack | US elections 2024


Donald Trump's ground game in Arizona and Nevada could be compromised by canvassers working for America Pac using GPS spoofing to claim they knocked on doors when they didn't , according to several people familiar with the practice and a leaked video explaining how to fake a location. .

The consequences for Trump could be far-reaching, given that America Pac has taken over the bulk of the Trump campaign's ground game in battleground states, and the election appears increasingly determined by participation rate.

A bootleg spoofing video, made by an America Pac canvasser in Nevada and obtained by the Guardian, shows the apparent ease with which locations can be altered to serve as fake knocks on the door, calling into question question how many Trump voters were actually contacted. the operation on the ground.

The video, shared with a few hundred canvassers, shows the setup: a user downloads a GPS spoofing app to falsely place themselves at a Trump voter's doorstep, fake survey responses, and take steps to cover up fraud by varying survey responses to make it credible.

The scope of the practice of GPS spoofing is unclear because it is difficult to catch cheaters without cross-referencing the data with that of another tracker. This is not a problem limited to America Pac either; GPS spoofing has been a problem for years and it has become increasingly resource-intensive to catch cheaters.

In response to this report, America Pac released a joint statement from its suppliers Blitz, Patriot Grassroots, Echo Canyon and Synapse Group.

Each marked door leaves unique fingerprints, and the fingerprints of a marked door with an identity theft app leave those fingerprints in neon colors. “We have auditing and fraud prevention technology tools to identify and weed out the bad apples, the Pac doesn't pay a dime and the door gets knocked by the next canvasser,” he said.

Blitz, the provider in Arizona and Nevada, has its canvassers clock in and out using the QuickBooks Workforce app, which continuously tracks locations and has some geolocation features, according to two people directly familiar with the situation.

But geolocation data stored on the Workforce app can be manipulated by turning off location services and a former Blitz auditor said they would typically only look at secondary location data if something initially seemed wrong on the Campaign Sidekick prospecting app itself.

The video comes as America Pac struggles to combat 24% of door knocks in Arizona and 25% of door knocks made in Nevada last week by less sophisticated cheaters working for Blitz being reported internally as potentially fake or fraudulent, depending on the data. obtained by the Guardian.

Fake polls

In the impersonation video, the solicitor opens a door-to-door route to America Pac in Nevada, apparently for the benefit of his colleagues, and explains the method he uses to change his location in order to to give the impression that he visits every visitor. house where he is supposed to be.

A screenshot from the video shows the apparent ease of location spoofing of the America Pac field operations app in Nevada. Photography: The Guardian

The canvasser first opens the location change app and zooms in so the map mirrors the Campaign Sidekick app map that shows the homes expected to be hit with orange dots.

It then memorizes the location of Trump voters' target house on the Campaign Sidekick app, returns to the change location app, and taps on the same house to spoof its location as supposedly being in the driveway.

These houses here look the same on the app, so you know, you just move this shit over there or you can type in the address, but it's a lot faster, so I just change the location over there, explains the solicitor.

The canvasser then explains how to falsify survey responses so that the activity does not appear suspicious and invites an internal audit of the doors which could result in dismissal or referral to the prospecting company for prosecution.

So here's the part that matters: you click on the house, you want to not be home for about five houses, so you click on the shit not at home, you left literature, boom, and then you want to put in a survey , said the solicitor.

So here is the investigation. You click on available for inquiry. That's what I do. I definitely click yes, Donald Trump, early vote, no, end of poll. So it's pretty much that simple. So you keep bouncing between houses. And you don't want to go too fast, you want it to look realistic.

It's unclear how often Blitz auditors review the approximately 400 to 450 canvassers. If audits are done every few days — a person familiar with the matter said it's at least every five days — and with canvassers together defrauding several hundred doors a day, that could quickly add up.

The problem of suspicious gates in America Pac's field operations highlights the risk of outsourcing a ground game program, in which paid canvassers are generally not as invested in their candidates' victory as volunteers or traditional campaign staff.

Musk has so far donated $75 million to America Pac in its three months of existence. About $30 million was spent on the field operation to boost the Trump vote, with the rest going to digital and mail advertising for the former president, as well as Republican candidates who voted against.




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