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Faced with health problems, more and more Western voices call for Imran's release – Journal

Faced with health problems, more and more Western voices call for Imran's release – Journal


LONDON: It seems that the more authorities are keen to keep former Prime Minister Imran Khan out of the public eye, the more he gains notoriety abroad, at least when it comes to headlines.

This week, two billionaire businessmen tweeted their support for Mr Khan. Their concerns come days after his estranged wife Jemima Goldsmith made an impassioned plea for the PTI founder's release and urged authorities to let him contact his sons.

Prominent publications and figures in the UK and US have spoken out about Mr Khan's ordeal. Some have even drawn dark comparisons between him and Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny.

On Tuesday, English business tycoon Richard Branson tweeted a Time magazine article detailing fears about Imran Khan's deteriorating health, as well as an old photo of him and Mr Khan with the message: This is not cricket. @ImranKhanPTI should be released immediately by Pakistani authorities. His arbitrary detention casts a shadow over respect for democracy and the rule of law in Pakistan.

Business tycoon Richard Branson, Dr Lawrence Brilliant and philanthropist Jeffrey Skoll call for an end to the detention of former prime ministers

Jeffrey Skoll, a philanthropist, criticized his treatment. Imran Khan was impeached, shot dead by a would-be assassin, deprived of his rights and placed in solitary confinement on trumped-up charges, despite orders from the Supreme Court to release him. It is unacceptable that a democracy can act in this way while the world stands idly by, he said in a tweet.

US epidemiologist Lawrence Brilliant joined the chorus of messages, saying he had recently spent time with Mr Branson and PTI supporter Salman Ahmed.

As a doctor and friend of Pakistan, I witnessed with pain and sadness the deterioration of his health while he was held in solitary confinement 24 hours a day. Worse still, he was not authorized to receive reasonable visits from his or her own physician.

His condition alone requires immediate evacuation to the hospital or other quality medical care before it is too late. What happened to Alexei Navalny in the Russian gulag cannot happen to @ImranKhanPTI.

While prominent members of Mr Khan's party and activists have either been jailed or silenced, it appears the task of keeping his voice alive falls to those who can amplify their voices abroad.

UK-based PTI leader Sayed Zulfi Bukhari also appeared on the Zeteo platform this week, speaking to prominent American journalist and commentator Mehdi Hasan.

The title Could Pakistani Imran Khan be killed in prison? was sent as an email to Zeteo readers, detailing Mr Hasans' conversation with Mr Bukhari, in which he said Imran Khan had become like Pakistan's Mandela.

Speaking to Dawn, Mr Bukhari said the authorities' increased attempt to lock up Mr Khan over the past two weeks, cut off his electricity supply and detain him triggered this blitz.

Whether he is in prison or outside, Imran Khan has a voice. The state knows this and knows that when it comes to key moments, like the passage of this recent constitutional amendment, Khan will give his opinion and people will listen to him, he said.

This new wave of international criticism follows a House of Lords hearing earlier this summer, during which British parliamentarians highlighted the situation surrounding Mr Khan's detention.

At the time, Lord Daniel Hannan, a fellow Conservative, and others proposed internationalizing the issue, suggesting that the issue be considered by the American and Australian legislatures.

But it remains to be seen whether these efforts to internationalize Mr. Khan's predicament have any effect.

Kamal Alam, a non-resident senior fellow at the Atlantic Council's South Asia Center, said: “It is clear that the powers that be in the West do not care about Imran. Yes, he has popular support and famous friends like Mick Jagger, Piers Morgan and Branson. But the people who matter do not care that the international establishment, if one can use that word, is in bed with the Pakistani establishment.

Published in Dawn, October 23, 2024




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