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Indonesian President Prabowo plans to establish state investment company

Indonesian President Prabowo plans to establish state investment company


INDONESIAN President Prabowo Subianto wants to create a new investment agency that would become a holding company for state investments, similar to Singapore's Temasek, the official appointed to head the proposed company said Tuesday (Oct 22).

Prabowo, 73, took office on Sunday and has since sworn in more than 100 people as ministers and MPs, heads of new institutions and advisers.

The Daya Anagata Nusantara investment management agency will be established as soon as Prabowo gets parliamentary approval, Muliaman Hadad, former head of the Financial Services Authority who was appointed to head the body, told reporters .

The structure of the agency is being discussed with other authorities, but the aim is for it to function like Temasek as a state-owned investment company, said Hadad, who also served as Indonesia's ambassador to Swiss.

The aim is to allow scattered investments to be consolidated and exploited, he explained.

Currently, public participation in state-owned enterprises is managed by the Ministry of Public Enterprises. State-owned enterprises in sectors such as banking, telecommunications, construction and mining play a dominant role in the economy. Hadad noted that discussions on the new agency would involve the Ministry of Public Enterprises as well as the country's sovereign wealth fund, the Indonesia Investment Authority.


Friday, 8:30 a.m.

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After winning the February election, Prabowo told an investment forum in March that he was open to privatizing non-strategic state-owned enterprises to allow the private sector to play a greater role in the economy, without providing further details.

Prabowo on Tuesday also named former World Bank Managing Director Mari Elka Pangestu as his special envoy for trade, and former investment chief minister Luhut Pandjaitan as his adviser for government digitalization.

Many economy ministers from Joko Widodos' predecessor were retained in Prabowo's red-and-white cabinet, including the highly regarded Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati and Chief Economy Minister Airlangga Hartarto, a move that, according to some analysts, would guarantee the continuity of the policy.

Prabowo's experienced economic team significantly boosts investor confidence, establishing a solid foundation for sound and prudent policymaking, said Brian Lee, economist at Maybank Investment Banking Group.

Lee added that investors are still watching Prabowos' initiatives to improve the investment climate and cut red tape.

Prabowo will have the country's largest cabinet in decades. He will hold his first Cabinet meeting on Wednesday, and later this week he will take Cabinet members on a three-day retreat to a military academy in Central Java. REUTERS




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