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Erdoan will hunt down Glen's supporters

Erdoan will hunt down Glen's supporters


Istanbul, Turkey, October 22 (EFE).- Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoan pledged on Tuesday to pursue “to the most remote corners of the world” the supporters of Fethullah Glen, the Turkish Islamist preacher who recently died in the United States. United, and that Ankara responsible for the failure of the 2016 coup.

These traitors managed to escape Turkish justice thanks to those who protected them. They left without having to account for the blood of the martyrs they shed. But they will not be able to escape divine justice, Erdoan said in a televised address, his first public reaction to the death on Sunday of the 83-year-old theologian, who had lived in exile in Pennsylvania since 1999.

Erdoan evoked the memory of the civilians killed during the failed coup, in which the cleric has always denied any involvement, and condemned “the notorious members of FETO”, an acronym for “Fethullah Terrorist Organization”, thus 'Ankara began to describe the terrorist organization. religious organization founded by Glen after the coup.

“Whether in Türkiye or in the most remote corners of the world, we will be on the back of the FETO hyena pack,” promised the Turkish leader.

Since the banning of the movement, Ankara has frequently announced the “repatriation” of suspected Glen supporters, particularly from Balkan countries, often after kidnapping them and extrajudicially putting them on a plane, but sometimes with the help of local police officers.

In 2018, one of these kidnappings led to the dismissal of several high-ranking Kosovo officials.

From allies to rivals

Beginning in the 1970s, Glen established Hizmet, meaning “service” in Turkish, a community of supporters that became the main ally of Erdoan's Islamist Justice and Development Party (Adalet ve Kalknma Partisi, AKP). after his victory in the 2002 elections.

Glen's supporters formed semi-secret networks in the administration, judiciary and police, where they helped each other climb the ranks, initially in coordination with the AKP, to erode the power of secular forces and advance the Islamization of Turkey.

During the first decade of AKP rule, it was mainly Glen's supporters, usually well-educated academics fluent in English, who improved Erdoan's image in Europe and the United States and allowed the Islamist government to be accepted as moderate and composed. conservative Democrats.

However, beginning in 2013, the Glen movement and Erdoan's party clashed in a power struggle that culminated in the designation of Hizmet as a terrorist organization in 2016 and the failed military coup of 15 July, which Ankara still attributes to Glen's supporters in the army, even though the preacher has always denied any involvement.

The same pro-government Turkish press that, a little over a decade ago, hailed Glen as the mentor of a new, enlightened Islam with a global reach, is now reporting his death as “traitor in chief.”

Hizmet is banned and persecuted in Turkey and many of its assets have been confiscated, but it still operates numerous preparatory schools, foundations, radio stations, magazines and academic conferences on several continents, estimated to be worth billions of dollars. . EFE





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