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Donald Trump groped me in what looked like a twisted game with Jeffrey Epstein, claims former model | Donald Trump

Donald Trump groped me in what looked like a twisted game with Jeffrey Epstein, claims former model | Donald Trump


A former model who says she met Donald Trump through late sex offender Jeffrey Epstein has accused the former president of groping and sexually touching her during an incident at Trump Tower in 1993, in what she alleges believed to be a twisted game between the two men.

Stacey Williams, who worked as a professional model in the 1990s, said she first met Trump in 1992 at a Christmas party after being introduced to him by Epstein, who she said was a good friend of the New York real estate developer at the time. Williams said Epstein was interested in her and the two dated for a few months.

It then became very clear that he and Donald were very, very good friends and spent a lot of time together, Williams said.

Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein in 1992. Photograph: MSNBC

The alleged touching occurred a few months later, in the late winter or early spring of 1993, when Epstein suggested, while on a walk they were taking, that he and Williams would stop to visit. visit to Trump at Trump Tower. Epstein was later convicted of sex offenses and committed suicide in prison in 2019.

Moments after their arrival, she claims, Trump greeted Williams, pulled her toward him and began groping her. She said he put his hands on my breasts and her waist and butt. She said she froze because she was deeply confused about what was happening. At the same time, she said she thought she saw the two men smiling at each other.

Karoline Leavitt, press secretary for Donald Trump's campaign, provided a statement denying the allegations, which said in part: These accusations, made by a former Barack Obama campaigner and announced during a Harris campaign call two weeks before elections, are unequivocally false. . It is obvious that this false story was made up by the Harris campaign.

The postcard that Stacey Williams says she sent from Donald Trump in 1993. Photograph: Courtesy of Stacey Williams

Williams says Trump sent his agent a postcard in the mail later in 1993, an aerial view of Mar-a-Lago, his Palm Beach residence and resort. She shared it with the Guardian. In his handwriting using what appears to be his usual black Sharpie, he wrote: Stacey Your home away from home. I love Donald.

Stacey Williams in 1996. Photograph: Evan Agostini/Getty Images

Williams, 56, from Pennsylvania, has shared parts of her allegations on social media in the past, but revealed details about the alleged encounter during a call Monday hosted by a group called Survivors for Kamala, who supports the Democratic presidential election. candidate Kamala Harris. The Zoom call featured actor Ashley Judd and law professor and academic Anita Hill, among others. Kamala survivors also published an ad in the New York Times this week, signed by 200 survivors of sexual and gender-based violence, intended to serve as a reminder that Trump was found responsible for sexual abuse in court.

After the alleged incident, Williams said she and Epstein left Trump Tower and she began to feel Epstein becoming increasingly angry with her.

Jeffrey and I left and he didn't look at me or speak to me and I felt this rage boiling around me, and when we got down to the sidewalk he looked at me and just berated me and said to me: Why did you do that? she said during the Zoom call.

He made me feel so disgusting and I remember being completely confused, she said.

She described how the alleged incident seemed to her to be part of a twisted game.

I felt shame and disgust and as we parted I felt this sensation of revisiting him, as hands were all over me. And I had this horrible pit in my stomach that had been orchestrated somehow. I felt like a piece of meat, she said in an interview with the Guardian.

She and Epstein separated shortly afterward. Williams said she never knew of his sexual abuse, which would later become known. Epstein is now considered one of the worst and most prolific pedophiles in modern history.

Former Model Who Met Trump Through Jeffrey Epstein Claims Former President Groped Her Video

The allegation of unwanted sexual groping and touching follows a well-documented pattern of behavior by Trump.

About two dozen women have accused the former president, who has been convicted of multiple crimes, of sexual misconduct dating back decades. The allegations include claims that Trump kissed them without their consent, reached under their skirts and, in the case of some beauty pageant contestants, surprised them in the locker room.

A former model named Amy Dorris shared allegations about Trump similar to what Williams described in an interview with the Guardian in 2020. Trump denied ever harassing, abusing or behaving inappropriately towards Dorris.

Last year, a jury found Trump responsible for sexually abusing columnist E Jean Carroll in 1996 and awarded him $5 million in a judgment.

Williams' allegations raise new questions about Trump's relationship with Epstein.

No evidence has surfaced that Trump knew of or was involved in Epstein's misconduct.

But Trump and Epstein have known each other for decades and were photographed at the same social events in the 1990s and early 2000s, years before Epstein pleaded guilty in Florida in 2008 to soliciting and recruiting a minor to purposes of prostitution.

I have known Jeff for 15 years. He's a great guy, Trump told New York magazine in 2002. He's a lot of fun to be around. They even say he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are younger.

After Epstein was arrested on sex trafficking charges in 2019, Trump told reporters in the Oval Office that he knew him, as everyone in Palm Beach knew him, but that he had fallen out with Epstein early in the 2000s.

I haven't spoken to him in 15 years, Trump said. I wasn't a fan of him, that much I can tell you.

When asked if she had considered coming forward in the past when other women were making allegations against Trump, Williams responded that she was someone who wanted to avoid any negative attention or risk the backlash that many other survivors were confronted.

I left the company, she said. I disappeared voluntarily because I like being anonymous and I like my life as a private citizen. Then I saw what happened to women who came out and it was so horrible and abusive. The idea of ​​doing that, especially as a mother with a child in my house, just wasn't possible, she told the Guardian.

“I just chose, in my own way, the comments on social media to contradict the people who were saying he didn't do anything,” she said.

Like other survivors, she said, she processed what happened to her and became more confident in the face of an angry response, she said.

Williams told at least two friends about the allegations who spoke to the Guardian. A friend, who asked to remain anonymous, said Williams told her about the alleged incident in 2005 or 2006 during a conversation in which Williams mentioned knowing Epstein and how he introduced her to Trump. The friend specifically remembers Williams telling her that she had been groped by Trump. Epstein was not a household name at the time, but the friend would later recall the anecdote when the Epstein scandal broke.

What I remember is that it was groping, what you would call feeling someone up, the friend said.

Ally Gutwillinger, another longtime friend, said Williams told her about the alleged incident in 2015. Gutwillinger remembers the timing because Trump had announced he was running for president.

I went to her house during the week and saw a postcard from Mar-a-Lago and said, What is that? and she said Return it, Gutwillinger said. She said something like: He's despicable, he groped me in Trump Tower.




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