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Boris Johnson memoir fails as sales plummet despite 2m advance

Boris Johnson memoir fails as sales plummet despite 2m advance


Copies of former Prime Minister Boris Johnson's latest memoir, Unleashed, ahead of its public release (PA)

Copies of former Prime Minister Boris Johnson's latest memoir, Unleashed, ahead of its public release (PA)

Sales of Boris JohnsonThe author's political memoir is said to have fallen far short of expectations, with the much-heralded publication now set to be overtaken by a cookbook.

Despite an apparent advance of 2 million on the 784 page story of his hour in Downing Street, Unchained only managed to sell 42,528 copies in its opening week, far fewer than its publishers, HarperCollins, had probably predicted.

The former Prime Minister suffered a 62 per cent reduction in his sales lead this week, narrowly managing to hold on to the top spot, selling just 133 copies more than Tim Spectors. The Food for Life cookbook.

Mr Johnson's sales figures are far lower than those of his predecessors Margaret Thatcher, who sold around 120,000 copies when her memoir was released in 1993, and Tony Blair, who sold 92,000 during the first week of his dissertation.

Despite all the press attention, the books poor reception reportedly left stores with stacks and stacks of copies, and sales figures are expected to continue to fall.

Despite a whopping 2 million lead on the 784-page account of events, Johnson managed to sell only 42,528 items in its opening week, far fewer than his publishers HarperCollins had predicted (GB News)Despite a whopping 2 million lead on the 784-page account of events, Johnson managed to sell only 42,528 items in its opening week, far fewer than his publishers HarperCollins had predicted (GB News)

Despite a whopping 2 million lead on the 784-page account of events, Johnson managed to sell only 42,528 items in its opening week, far fewer than his publishers HarperCollins had predicted (GB News)

Speaking on his podcast The rest is entertainmentRichard Osman said: Well, we said last week that Blair had sold 92,000, Thatcher had sold 120,000, Mr Johnson had a lead of 2 million, so he would probably have to sell closer to the Thatcher figure.

HarperCollins thought it was going to do issues on Prince Harry, and it [Harry] sold 450,000 in its first week, and it [Mr Johnson] sold 42,000, which is way below any expectations they might have had. They paid massively too much.

Speaking to some booksellers, there is plenty of stock in the stores. One of the things you do [is] you send a lot of stock. If you have a book that you think is going to sell a lot, you send out a lot of them and there are stacks and stacks of them in different bookstores across the country.

Former Prime Minister suffered a 62 per cent cut in sales this week (Jonathan Cape)Former Prime Minister suffered a 62 per cent cut in sales this week (Jonathan Cape)

Former Prime Minister suffered a 62 per cent cut in sales this week (Jonathan Cape)

He added: “A lot of people would kill for £42,000, but [its] almost impossible not to sell so many when he has so much free advertising on things and is very, very famous. But yes, it’s the Christmas bonuses at HarperCollins that have disappeared.

His podcast co-host, Marina Hyde, added: I told you one of the Waterstones in central London said to me: we sold two yesterday. I see they presented it as a triumph.

Mr Johnson's publishers appeared outwardly pleased with the sales, posting on social media: We are delighted that Boris Johnsons Unchained is the best-selling book in the UK this week!

Prince Harry meets Johnson on day former PM claims he was asked to convince Duke not to leave UK (Getty)Prince Harry meets Johnson on day former PM claims he was asked to convince Duke not to leave UK (Getty)

Prince Harry meets Johnson on day former PM claims he was asked to convince Duke not to leave UK (Getty)

In the book, Mr Johnson detailed a series of bizarre anecdotes, including the claim that it was he who tried to persuade Prince Harry to remain a frontline royal, and his intention of a military raid in the Netherlands to seize Covid vaccines.

Unchained received mixed critical reception, with photos appearing on social media of copies placed in the fiction sections of stores or next to books such as Surrounded by liars And Surrounded by idiots by Thomas Erikson.

The Independent gave the vapid reveal only one star out of five, describing it as shameless and predictable.

At the same time, a recent poll by YouGov reflects the public's perception of the book's claims. Just 35% said they believed former Prime Minister David Cameron warned Mr Johnson that he would screw you forever if he did not support Remain in the Brexit referendum, and only a quarter believed his claims that he would give Prince Harry a boost. talk.

There was, however, a slight glimmer of hope for Mr Johnson. Despite a disappointing return, he still managed to outperform his successor, Liz Truss, whose book about her 49-day tenure as Prime Minister sold 2,228 copies in the UK in its first week .




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