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Xi Jinping, Modi aim for harmony at BRICS summit despite past differences

Xi Jinping, Modi aim for harmony at BRICS summit despite past differences


Chinese President Xi Jinping and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi used the BRICS summit in Russia on Wednesday to outline their ambitions for a more harmonious relationship between the world's two most populous countries after years of animosity.

The meeting between Xi and Modi, who have not held formal talks in five years, was one of the highlights of a summit that President Vladimir Putin sought to use to show that the West had not failed to isolate Russia in the war in Ukraine.

A final communiqué lists a number of projects aimed at facilitating trade between BRICS countries, including an alternative payment system to the dollar, but does not include details or a timetable.

Just two days after New Delhi announced it had reached a deal with Beijing to resolve a four-year military standoff on their disputed Himalayan border, Xi told Modi they should improve communication and cooperation and effectively manage disputes.

It is in the fundamental interests of the two countries and their people for China and India to correctly understand the trend of history and the direction of development of their relations, Xi said, according to state broadcaster Chinese CCTV.

In response, Modi told Xi that maintaining peace and stability on their border should be a priority and that mutual trust, respect and sensitivity should be the basis of the relationship.

“We welcome the agreement on the issues that have been raised over the last four years,” Modi told Xi in comments broadcast on Indian state broadcaster Doordarshan.

BRICS, an idea dreamed up by Goldman Sachs twenty years ago to describe the growing economic weight of China and other major emerging markets, today constitute a group that represents 45% of the world's population and 35% of the world's population. world economy.

The BRICS summit clashes with the annual meetings of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank in Washington.

Former Goldman economist Jim O'Neill, who coined the term BRIC in 2001, told reporters he had little optimism for the BRICS club as long as China and India remained also divided.

It seems to me that this is essentially a symbolic annual gathering where important emerging countries, particularly vocal ones like Russia, but also China, can come together and emphasize how good it is to be part of something something that does not involve the United States and that global governance is not enough,” O’Neill told reporters.

Putin, who rejects Western claims that he is a war criminal over Russia's actions in Ukraine, hosted more than 20 leaders at the summit in the Volga city of Kazan, including Tayyip Erdogan, who rules NATO member Turkey and Iran. President Massoud Pezeshkian.

Modi publicly told Putin that he wanted peace in Ukraine. Xi discussed the Ukraine war behind closed doors with the Kremlin leader, as did UAE President Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, who sought to mediate.

The summit's 43-page final communiqué ranged from geopolitics and narcotics to artificial intelligence and even big cat conservation, but lacked detail on some major issues. He only mentioned Ukraine once.

We note with satisfaction the relevant proposals for mediation and good offices, aimed at a peaceful resolution of the conflict through dialogue and diplomacy, says the Kazan declaration.

The harshest language was reserved for the Middle East, calling for a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, and denouncing Israeli attacks on humanitarian operations, facilities, personnel and distribution points .

On alternative payment systems, there were few details, although BRICS leaders expressed interest in their development and ordered central bankers to report under the next presidency.

The trend towards a leading role for BRICS in the global economy will only strengthen, Putin said, citing population growth, urbanization, capital accumulation and productivity growth as key factors. .

China and India buy about 90% of Russian oil – the largest source of foreign currency for Moscow.

Russia is the world's second largest oil exporter.

The leaders said they would seek to further expand BRICS institutional development, but gave little specifics on whether or not BRICS would be expanded.

Putin said more than 30 states had expressed interest in joining the group, but it was important to strike a balance in any expansion.

“I will take the BRICS group seriously when I see signs that the two countries that really matter, China and India, are actually trying to agree on things, rather than trying to fight each other over everything. time,” O'Neill said.

Erizia Rubyjeana

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