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US lawmakers call Pakistan's governance 'military regime with a civilian facade'

US lawmakers call Pakistan's governance 'military regime with a civilian facade'


Islamabad, Pakistan

More than 60 members of Congress wrote to President Joe Biden on Wednesday, asking him to intervene “to secure the release of political prisoners” in Pakistan, including former Prime Minister Imran Khan.

The letter said Pakistan's parliamentary elections in February were marked by a historic level of irregularities, including widespread voter fraud, state-led efforts to disenfranchise voters, and arrest and the detention of political leaders, journalists and activists.

US lawmakers have echoed calls for Khan's immediate release and an end to the widespread arbitrary detention of supporters of his Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf party.

“At a minimum, we ask your administration to urgently obtain assurances from the Pakistani government for Khan's safety and well-being and urge U.S. Embassy officials to visit him in prison,” it read in the letter to Biden.

FILE – Former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan speaks to Reuters during an interview in Lahore, Pakistan, March 17, 2023.

US lawmakers have expressed concern over what they denounced as “widespread and continuing human rights violations” in Pakistan following the country's parliamentary elections.

“More broadly, developments since the February vote indicate a clear shift toward authoritarianism in the country,” the letter said. “Simply put, Pakistan's current system amounts to 'military rule with a civilian facade.' “

The representatives noted that the Pakistani government has also intensified its crackdown on social media and the internet as part of a broader effort to suppress political activism and pressure journalists.

The letter was written by Rep. Greg Casar; Reps. Jim McGovern and Summer Lee are co-leaders of the group. The letter describes Khan, 72, as a political leader in Pakistan “enjoying wide support in the country.”

There was no immediate reaction to the White House letter, nor did Pakistani officials comment on it.

Khan has been imprisoned since August 2023 on multiple allegations, including corruption and inciting violence against military installations. He denies any wrongdoing.

In June, the U.S. House of Representatives voted 368-7 to call for “a full and independent investigation into allegations of interference or irregularities” in Pakistan's February election.

Islamabad strongly opposed the resolution, saying it “stemmed from an incomplete understanding of the political situation and electoral process” in the South Asian country.

Khan, the cricket star turned prime minister, was ousted from power in 2022 by an opposition parliamentary vote of no confidence. The move, which the deposed leader rejected as illegal, led to unprecedented political unrest in Pakistan, a nuclear-armed country of more than 240 million people. The deposed leader accused the army of orchestrating his ouster and subsequently filed numerous lawsuits.

The legal challenges, which Khan dismisses as politically motivated, have prevented him from holding public office. His party was also subject to state repression and was ultimately banned from participating in the February elections. Khan and independent critics argue the vote was rigged to allow pro-military parties to win, allegations denied by Sharif and military officials.




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