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Trump fits the definition of a fascist, says his former chief of staff

Trump fits the definition of a fascist, says his former chief of staff


Kelly criticizes Trump's understanding of the rule of lawKelly says Trump told her Hitler 'did good things'Trump campaign dismisses Kelly's comments as debunked storiesHarris calls his remarks disturbingWASHINGTON, October 23 (Reuters ) – Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump meets the definition of a fascist and “prefers the dictatorial approach to government,” his former White House chief of staff said in a series of interviews with the New York Times. With less than two weeks until the Nov. 5 election, John Kelly, a longtime Trump critic, told the Times that the former Republican president had no understanding of the U.S. Constitution or the concept of the rule of law.

Kelly said the former president would seek to govern authoritarianly if he returned to the White House. In interviews published Tuesday, he quoted Trump as telling him that German Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler “did good things.”

Trump's team has denied these accounts.

“He certainly prefers the dictatorial approach of government,” Kelly said, according to the newspaper. “The former president is certainly on the far right, he's certainly authoritarian, he admires dictators – he said so. So he certainly fits into the general definition of fascist, that's for sure.”

A retired United States Marine Corps general, Kelly served as Trump's White House chief of staff between 2017 and 2019. Since Kelly left the White House, the relationship between the two men has deteriorated and both openly express their contempt for each other.

“John Kelly is a LOWLIFE and a bad general, whose opinion I no longer asked at the White House and I told him to move on!” ” Trump said in a post on his social media platform Truth Social.

Steven Cheung, a Trump campaign spokesman, said in a statement that Kelly “made a complete fool of himself with these debunked stories.”

Republican presidential candidate and former U.S. President Donald Trump reacts during a rally in Greensboro, North Carolina, U.S. October 22, 2024. REUTERS/Carlos Barria buys licensing rights, opens new tabU.S. Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic presidential candidate, said Wednesday that the reported remarks were troubling.

“It is deeply disturbing and incredibly dangerous that Donald Trump would invoke Adolf Hitler, the man responsible for the deaths of six million Jews and hundreds of thousands of Americans,” she told reporters outside her official residence.

“In a second term, people like John Kelly wouldn't be there to guard against his (Trump's) leanings and his actions,” Harris said Wednesday.

Kelly has made comments critical of Trump in previous interviews. He is not privy to internal discussions within Trump's orbit and therefore cannot speak with certainty about how Trump will govern.

Harris took advantage of comments Trump made at a Fox News event in December when he said that if he won the 2024 election he would be a dictator, but only on “day one,” to close the border south with Mexico and expand oil drilling.

Harris and her Democratic colleagues say Trump poses a threat to American democracy, something Trump denies and which he says is true of the Democratic nominee.

Retired U.S. Army Brigadier General Steve Anderson, a Republican, said on a call with reporters hosted by the Harris campaign that he was disappointed Kelly didn't go so far as to support Harris after his criticism of Trump.

In the Times interview, Kelly emphasized that as a former military officer, he did not support any candidate.

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Reporting by Tim Reid and Stephanie Kelly; Editing by Chizu Nomiyama, Trevor Hunnicutt and Howard Goller

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New York-based correspondent covering the US crude market and member of the energy team since 2018 covering the oil and fuel markets as well as federal policy around renewable fuels.

Jeff Mason is a White House correspondent for Reuters. He covered the presidencies of Barack Obama, Donald Trump and Joe Biden as well as the presidential campaigns of Biden, Trump, Obama, Hillary Clinton and John McCain. He served as president of the White House Correspondents' Association in 2016-2017, leading the press in defending press freedom during the early days of the Trump administration. His work and that of the WHCA have been recognized with the Freedom of Speech Award from Deutsche Welle. Jeff asked pointed questions of domestic and foreign leaders, including Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korea's Kim Jong Un. He is a recipient of the WHCA's “Excellence in Presidential News Coverage Under Deadline Pressure” award and a co-winner of the Association for Business Journalists' “Breaking News” award. Jeff began his career in Frankfurt, Germany, as a business journalist before being assigned to Brussels, Belgium, where he covered the European Union. Jeff appears regularly on television and radio and teaches political journalism at Georgetown University. He is a graduate of Northwestern University's Medill School of Journalism and a former Fulbright scholar.




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