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PM Modi Xi Jinping meets Putin as India, China reach border deal

PM Modi Xi Jinping meets Putin as India, China reach border deal


Prime Minister Narendra Modi showing a thumbs-up with Russian President Vladimir Putin and China's Xi Jinping by his side was one of the striking images at the gala concert organized for Brics leaders in Kazan. This not only captured the camaraderie between the leaders but sowed hope of normalization of relations between India and China as they reached an agreement. agreement to end military standoff in eastern Ladakh.

Even at the private dinner hosted by Putin, the Russian president was seen sitting between Prime Minister Modi and Xi Jinping. These moments demonstrate a deepening of diplomatic relations between the three countries at a time when the West is trying to isolate Russia because of its offensive in Ukraine.

It also comes at a time when there has been friction between India, Canada and the United States over hosting Khalistan sympathizers.

Viral photos from the event sparked questions on social media about whether Putin played a role in helping India and China reach a truce after years of unproductive talks over the border standoff.

Modi Xi Jinping meeting
Chinese President Xi Jinping, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Narendra Modi enter a room for a family photo in Kazan (Reuters)

“Putin is the geopolitical glue between Xi Jinping and Modi which allows the two Asian giants to manage their strategic rivalry with pragmatism while avoiding a major escalation,” tweeted geopolitical strategist Velina Tchakarova.

In addition to creating an atmosphere conducive to negotiations, the fact that the two countries chose Russia to hold the summit first bilateral meeting between Prime Minister Modi and Xi Jinping in five years demonstrates the trust Putin enjoys among the two Asian leaders.

In fact, Russia has never hesitated to publicly assert that it is “interested” in securing India-China friendship. In 2023, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, during his visit to Delhi, said the country would like India and China to meet more often.

“We have excellent relations with India and excellent relations with China… We want these two great nations to be friends and we try to be helpful,” Lavrov said.

India considers Russia a “proven friend” who has played an important role in its economic development and security. Recently, Foreign Minister S Jaishankar said that Russia has never done anything that could negatively impact India's interests. Xi Jinping also praised Beijing's “deep friendship” with Moscow.

Russia also stands to gain from improved Sino-Indian relations. India and China have provided economic support to Russia by buying cheap oil following crippling sanctions imposed by the West.

The thaw in India-China relations has raised hopes for a revival of the Russia-India-China (RIC) trilateral format, born in the 2000s to challenge the unipolar domination of the United States.

However, the long-running military confrontation between India and China has seen the RIC gradually eclipsed by Brics and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO).

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October 23, 2024




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