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Donald Trump accused of groping by former model Stacey Williams

Donald Trump accused of groping by former model Stacey Williams


Presidential candidate Donald Trump has been accused of groping former model Stacey Williams.

The incident, which a Trump spokesperson denied, allegedly occurred in 1993 at Trump Tower in New York and was part of a “twisted game” between the former president and Jeffrey Epstein, a former convict of sexual abuse, Williams said in a statement. article in the Guardian newspaper.

It is alleged that Trump and Williams became acquainted through Epstein, whom Williams said she dated briefly, in the early 1990s, when she was a professional model. Williams said it appeared Trump and Epstein were close friends and “spent a lot of time together.”

Months after that introduction, when they met again, Williams claims Trump pulled her toward him and groped her, putting his hands “on my breasts” as well as her waist and buttocks. She claims to have been “deeply confused” and frozen, and claims to have seen the two men smile at each other.

Karoline Leavitt, Trump's campaign press secretary, denied the incident in a statement to the Guardian newspaper: “These accusations, made by a former Barack Obama campaigner and announced during a Harris campaign call two weeks ago before the election, are unequivocally false. It is obvious that this false story was made up by the Harris campaign.”

Williams has previously made allegations about Trump on social media, but gave more details during a Zoom call hosted by Survivors For Kamala, a group supporting Democratic Party presidential candidate Kamala Harris. Actress and activist Ashley Judd and lawyer Anita Hill were part of the call.

During the call, she claimed Epstein became angry with her after she left Trump Tower, asking why she let Trump touch her. “He made me feel so disgusting and I remember being completely confused,” she said, adding that the incident appeared to be part of a “twisted game.”

“I felt shame and disgust and as we parted I felt this sensation of revisiting him, as hands were all over me. I had this horrible pit in my stomach that had been orchestrated somehow. I felt like a piece of meat,” she said.

Williams also shared a postcard she said Trump sent her, offering to stay at his Mar-a-Lago residence in Florida. The message, which appears to be in Trump's handwriting, read: “Stacey, your home away from home. I love Donald.

Williams claimed to have separated from financier Epstein shortly after and was unaware of his widespread sexual abuse. He committed suicide in prison in 2019 after being convicted of various horrific sexual offenses over several years. Trump and Epstein were friends in the 1980s and 1990s, but the former Republican president claimed in 2019 that they had fallen out and hadn't spoken “in 15 years.” There is no evidence that Trump had any knowledge of Epstein's illegal behavior.

Trump has been accused of sexual misconduct by various women for several decades, but has always denied the allegations. He was convicted of sexually abusing columnist E. Jean Carroll in 1996. This week, Survivors For Kamala took out a full-page ad in the New York Times to remind citizens of the accusations surrounding Trump and urge them to vote for vice president. during the next elections.

The fierce race for the White House has now entered its home stretch, with Americans heading to the polls on November 5.




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